Computer Assisted Research SC-3F-KWB
1. Database preparation:
- data set structure and data set management;
- data transformation;
- importing the database from MS Excel, from a text file;
- missing data;
- data entry.
2. Transformations on variables:
- recoding variable values;
- creating new variables;
- counting occurrences.
3. Data analysis:
- frequency distributions;
- cross tables, contingency;
- graphs;
- multiple response tables;
- correlation coefficients;
- χ2 test of agreement.
4. Reporting – report structure.
Term 2024Z:
The classes are conducted using SPSS software. The software for your own needs (license valid until September 30 of the following year) can be downloaded from: The website also provides instructions on how to obtain a license and install the program. You can use your own equipment during classes. The files for the exercises will be shared in the MS Teams group for our subject (team code: z4meanz). Note: this is a team for the subject, not a specific exercise group. As part of the classes, you are allowed two absences (excused or unexcused). Excessive absences can be made up by preparing a written paper on a topic assigned by the instructor from the subject (sample topics are given below). Catching up is possible until 23.01.2025. Sample topics: The topics provided are sample topics, the instructor may indicate another issue to be developed. The course will look as follows: 10/10/24 - Organizational activities, introduction to SPSS |
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Passing conditions:
Presence - 15%
Colloquium No. 1 - at the end of block 1 - 15%
Colloquium no. 2 - at the end of block 2 - 20%
Colloquium no. 3 - at the end of block 3 - 20%
Final paper: report based on your own data or data provided by the instructor – 30%
Minimum 51% required
Positive Ratings:
5.0 -> 91-100%
4.5 -> 81-90%
4.0 -> 71-80%
3.5 -> 61-70%
3.0 -> 51-60%
Basic literature:
1. Pavkov Thomas, Pierce Kent - Do biegu, gotowi, start. Wprowadzenie do SPSS dla Windows, Wydawnictwo GWP, 2005
2. Górniak Jarosław, Wachnicki Janusz - Pierwsze kroki w analizie danych SPSS for Windows, Wydawnictwo SPSS Polska, 2013
Additional literature:
1. Gałuszko Konrad, Lewczuk Joanna, Kuźma Konrad Krystian - Walidować? Weryfikować? Nie ruszać? O niestatystycznych, udziałach i stochastycznych metodach oceny ilości danych ilościowych opowieść, Studia Politologiczne, 54, 2019
2. Nawojczyk Maria - Przewodnik po statystyce dla socjologów, Wydawnictwo SPSS Polska, 2002
3. Szaniawski Klemens - Metody statystyczne w socjologii: wybrane zagadnienia, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1968
4. Józefacka, Natalia M.; Kołek, Mateusz F.; Arciszewska-Leszczuk, Aleksandra (2023). Metodologia i statystyka, tom 1: Przewodnik naukowego turysty. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN SA
Term 2022Z:
Basic literature: Additional literature: |
Term 2024Z:
Consultations take place remotely on the MS Teams channel on Thursdays, between 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. after prior arrangement by email. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: