Psychology of Death: Clinical and Developmental Aspects 00-FF-PDC
--- Thanatology and psychology of death
--- Psychological theories of attitude toward death - psychoanalysis
--- Psychological theories of attitude toward death - existential psychology
--- Psychological theories of attitude toward death - developmental perspective
--- How to assess the attitude toward death?
--- Psychological theories of grief and bereavement
--- Grief from the perspective of attachment theory
--- Psychopathology of bereavement - prolonged grief disorder
--- How to assess the grief process?
--- Suicidology and psychological aspects of suicide
--- Suicidal thoughts, suicidal tendencies, suicidal behavior and its assessment
--- Psychological theories of suicide
--- Psychological aspects of terminal diseases - introduction
--- Near-death experiences
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
--- Lecture, multimedia presentations, case studies, analysis of scientific texts
--- Preparation of a presentation on a selected article on the psychology of death
Praktyki zawodowe
--- Lobb, E. A., Kristjanson, L. J., Aoun, S. M., Monterosso, L., Halkett, G. K. B., & Davies, A. (2010). Predictors of complicated grief: A systematic review of empirical studies. Death Studies, 34(8), 673–698.
--- Orbach, I., Milstein, I., Har-Even, D., Apter, A., Tiano, S., & Elizur, A. (1991). A Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency Scale for adolescents. Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 3(3), 398–404.
--- Prigerson, H. G., Horowitz, M. J., Jacobs, S. C., Parkes, C. M.., Aslan, M., Goodkin, K., Raphael, B.,... & Maciejewski, P. K. (2009). Prolonged grief disorder: Psychometric validation of criteria proposed for DSM-V and ICD-11. PLoS Medecine, 6, e1000121. .1000121
--- Sekowski, M. (2020). Attitude toward death from the perspective of Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial ego development: an unused potential. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying. Advance online publication.
--- Sekowski, M. (2020). Does psychosocial ego development partially mediate the association between defense mechanisms and death attitude? Omega: Journal of Death and Dying.
--- Sekowski, M. (2021). Concrete and symbolic continuing bonds with a deceased person: The psychometric properties of the Continuing Bonds Scale in bereaved surviving family members. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
--- Sekowski, M., Gambin, M., & Sharp, C. (2021). The relations between identity disturbances, borderline features, internalizing disorders and suicidality in inpatient adolescents. Journal of Personality Disorders.
--- Sekowski, M., Gambin, M., Cudo, A., Wozniak-Prus, M., Penner, F., Fonagy, P., & Sharp, C. (2020). The relations between childhood maltreatment, shame, guilt, depression and suicidal ideation in inpatient adolescents. Journal of Affective Disorders, 276, 667–677.
--- Sękowski, M. (2019). Postawa wobec śmierci w cyklu życia człowieka. Kraków: Universitas.
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