Gender Related Issues in Psychology 00-FF-GRE
Zajęcia mają na celu pogłębienie i/ lub poszerzenie wiedzy psychologicznej oraz wzbogacenie fachowego słownictwa w wybranych obszarach.
W cyklu 2022L:
This course is designed to broadly overview of research and theory on gender in psychology. We will review empirical findings around different “gendered” domains, i.e. Gender and…(1) family and housework (2) parenthood, (3) body image, (4) sexuality, (5) aggression, (6) prejudices, (7) politics, (8) media, (9) work and career, (10) education, (11) mental health, (12) language, (13) Romantic relationships, (14) Eating behaviors. During the course we will try to answer various questions related to gender issues, e.g. how masculinity and femininity are associated with mental health, how images of attractive celebrities influence on women’s body image, why some men do not feel comfortable when working under female leadership, does heavy makeup influences on attributions of humanness-related traits to women, why “real men don’t eat (vegetable) quiche”, what are the causes of sexual aggression, why men manifest higher prejudices toward homosexual and transgender individuals than women, how gender threat influences on social behaviors, and many more. During the course, we will also discuss how sex and gender permeate our lives on a daily basis. |
W cyklu 2023L:
This course is designed to broadly overview of research and theory on gender in psychology. We will review empirical findings around different “gendered” domains, i.e. Gender and…(1) family and housework (2) parenthood, (3) body image, (4) sexuality, (5) aggression, (6) prejudices, (7) media, (8) work and career, (9) education, (10) mental health, (11) language, (12) Romantic relationships, (13) Eating behaviors. During the course we will try to answer various questions related to gender issues, e.g. how masculinity and femininity are associated with mental health, how images of attractive celebrities influence on women’s body image, why some men do not feel comfortable when working under female leadership, does heavy makeup influences on attributions of humanness-related traits to women, why “real men don’t eat (vegetable) quiche”, what are the causes of sexual aggression, why men manifest higher prejudices toward homosexual and transgender individuals than women, how gender threat influences on social behaviors, and many more. During the course, we will also discuss how sex and gender permeate our lives on a daily basis. |
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
1. Student/-ka definiuje i sprawnie posługuje się kluczowymi pojęciami dla omawianego zagadnienia.
2. Zna koncepcje kluczowe dla omawianego zagadnienia.
3. Ma wiedzę o uwarunkowaniach i podstawowych mechanizmach dotyczących omawianego zjawiska.
1. Student/-ka potrafi dokonać analizy społecznych aspektów omawianego zagadnienia.
2. Jest w stanie odnaleźć i wykorzystać w praktyce właściwą literaturę obcojęzyczną odnośnie poruszanego tematu.
3. Posługuje się językiem obcym na poziomie B2+ Europejskiego Systemu Opisu Kształcenia Językowego, w tym terminologią z zakresu psychologii.
4. Umie prezentować zarówno własny punkt widzenia, jak i rzeczowo ustosunkowywać się do opinii innych osób.
Kompetencje społeczne
1. Student/-ka ma krytyczny stosunek do potocznych, nieuzasadnionych naukowo przekonań.
2. Ma motywację do angażowania się w aktywność na rzecz innych osób w praktyce, wykorzystując wiedzę teoretyczną zgodnie z zasadami etycznymi.
W cyklu 2022L:
Bosson, J.K., Vandello, J.A., Buckner, C.E. (2019). The Psychology of Sex and Gender (selected chapters). Sage Publications. Bernard, P., Content, J., Servais, L., Wollast, R., & Gervais, S. (2020). An initial test of the cosmetics dehumanization hypothesis: Heavy makeup diminishes attributions of humanness-related traits to women. Sex Roles, 83, 315-327. Bareket, O., & Shnabel, N. (2020). Domination and Objectification: men’s motivation for dominance over women affects their tendency to sexually objectify women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 44(1), 28-49. Banaszkiewicz, P. (2022). Biological Sex and Psychological Gender Differences in the Experience and Expression of Romantic Jealousy. Social Psychological Bulletin, 17, 1-23. Khandis, R.B., Brock, B., & Denson, T.F. (2017). Heightened male aggression toward sexualized women following romantic rejection: The mediating role of sex goal activation. Aggressive Behavior, 44(1), 40-49. Mikołajczak, M., & Pietrzak, J. (2014). Ambivalent sexism and religion: Connected through values. Sex Roles, 70, 387-399 Prewitt-Freilino, J. L., Caswell, T. A., & Laakso, E. K. (2012). The gendering of language: A comparison of gender equality in countries with gendered, natural gender, and genderless languages. Sex Roles, 66(3), 268-281 Nagoshi, J. L., Adams, K. A., Terrell, H. K., Hill, E. D., Brzuzy, S., & Nagoshi, C. T. (2008). Gender differences in correlates of homophobia and transphobia. Sex Roles, 59, 521-531 Rothgerber, H. (2013). Real men don’t eat (vegetable) quiche: Masculinity and the justification of meat consumption. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 14(4), 363-375 Reidy, D. E., Kernsmith, P. D., Malone, C. A., Vivolo-Kantor, A. M., & Smith-Darden, J. P. (2018). Feminine discrepancy stress and psychosocial maladjustment among adolescent girls. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 49, 176-186 Szastok, M., Kossowska, M., & Pyrkosz-Pacyna, J. (2019). Women can’t have it all: Benevolent sexism predicts attitudes toward working (vs. stay-at-home) mothers. Social Psychological Bulletin, 14(1), 1-17. Vandello, J. A., & Bosson, J. K. (2013). Hard won and easily lost: A review and synthesis of theory and research on precarious manhood. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 14(2), 101-119 |
W cyklu 2023L:
Bosson, J.K., Vandello, J.A., Buckner, C.E. (2019). The Psychology of Sex and Gender (selected chapters). Sage Publications. Scientific articles selected by students |
W cyklu 2022L:
Learning methods: mini-lectures, discussion, power-point presentations, movie analysis, individuals tasks |
W cyklu 2023L:
Learning methods: mini-lectures, discussion, power-point presentations, movie analysis, individuals tasks Student work distribution: |
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