Use of New Technologies for Work with Children and Families. Examples from Outside of Poland 00-0F-UNT
Course Description:
In an increasingly interconnected world, technology plays a pivotal role in shaping how we work with children and families. The course, "Use of New Technologies for Work with Children and Families: Examples from Outside of Poland," is designed to immerse students in the dynamic landscape of digital tools and technologies used in child and family welfare services worldwide. This course provides a unique opportunity to explore international perspectives and best practices in utilizing technology to support and empower children and families.
Course Objectives:
Explore Global Digital Initiatives: Gain insights into innovative digital tools and technologies implemented in child and family welfare services across various countries. Understand how different cultures and contexts influence the adoption of technology.
Enhance Cultural Competence: Develop cultural competence by studying international case studies and examples, enabling students to navigate diverse cultural landscapes effectively.
Address Access and Digital Exclusion: Examine the critical issue of access to technology and digital exclusion, both globally and within local contexts. Learn strategies to mitigate disparities and promote digital inclusivity.
Foster Ethical Considerations: Delve into the ethical implications of using technology in child and family services. Analyze ethical dilemmas and best practices in ensuring the responsible use of digital tools.
Promote Digital Literacy: Acquire practical skills to assess, select, and implement appropriate digital tools for engaging with children and families. Develop competence in using technology to facilitate communication and support.
Case Studies and Real-World Examples: Explore real-life case studies and examples from countries outside of Poland, offering a rich tapestry of experiences and strategies to inform your own practice.
Course Outline:
Module 1: Introduction to Digital Tools for Child and Family Welfare
Overview of the course and its objectives
Understanding the digital landscape in child and family services
International perspectives on technology adoption
Module 2: Cultural Competence and Global Context
Exploring cultural factors influencing technology use
Comparing international approaches to child and family welfare
Case studies from diverse cultural backgrounds
Module 3: Access to Technology and Digital Exclusion
Examining the digital divide globally and locally
Strategies to promote digital inclusivity
Case studies on addressing access challenges
Module 4: Ethics in the Digital Age
Ethical considerations in using technology with children and families
Ethical dilemmas and decision-making frameworks
Ensuring privacy, consent, and data security
Module 5: Practical Application of Digital Tools
Introduction to a variety of digital tools for engagement
Hands-on experience with technology platforms
Case-based learning and skill development
Module 6: International Best Practices and Case Studies
In-depth exploration of successful international initiatives
Guest speakers from organizations using technology for child and family welfare
Group discussions and critical analysis of case studies
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Ma uszczegółowioną wiedzę na temat istotnych dylematów współczesnej cywilizacji, (w tym etycznych), osadzoną w kontekście wyzwań i zadań pedagogicznych.
Ma umiejętności językowe w zakresie studiowanego kierunku studiów, zgodne z wymaganiami określonymi dla poziomu B2+ Europejskiego Systemu Opisu Kształcenia Językowego.
Kompetencje społeczne
Ma świadomość odpowiedzialności za zachowanie dziedzictwa kulturowego regionu, kraju, Europy rozumiejąc i szanując różnorodność tworzących go tradycji; jest gotów/owa do uczestnictwa w życiu kulturalnym.
Kryteria oceniania
To pass weekly presence and active participation are required. Students may expect small weekly tasks for self-study, and a final essay or research report.
TBC by visiting professor
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