Outdoors as an Educational Tool 00-0F-OET
Our meetings include:
How brain works? Neurobiology in outdoor education context
What happens in the outdoors? Learning outside.
Outdoor Education: Methods and Strategies
Erlebnispädagogik. Adventure education.
Learning outcomes. Evaluation. Debriefing. feedback.
Outdoors worldwide – good practice
Summary of the course. Individual talks.
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Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
Various participatory teaching and learning methods.
Teaching will be given in the form of blocks throughout the semester and it will include active methods of work. The field trips will be followed by a theoretical part. A project method will be used in order to enhance gained learning outcomes.
The summary of our course will include for example:
Attendance and engagement
Final paper
Self-development observations
Group project work
Michl Werner, Pedagogika Przeżyć, WAM, 2011.
J. Luckner , R. Nadler, Processing the Experience, Kendall/Hunt,1997
Miles John, Priest Simon, Adventure education, wydania od 1990
Adams, P. 2006. Exploring social constructivism: theories and practicalities. Education 3-13, 34: 243-257
Andkjær, S. 2006. Outdoor Education in Denmark – Different Practices, Different Pedagogical Methods and Different Values. Book of abstracts. Widening Horizons, Diversity in Theoretical and Critical Views of Outdoor Education.
(PDF) Outdoor Education, Life Long Learning and Skills Development in Woodlands and Green Spaces: The Potential Links to Health and Well-Being. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/226051988_Outdoor_Education_Life_Long_Learning_and_Skills_Development_in_Woodlands_and_Green_Spaces_The_Potential_Links_to_Health_and_Well-Being [accessed Apr 19 2021].
Bird, W. 2004. Natural Fit: can green space and biodiversity increase levels of physical activity. Report for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Bedfordshire
Burls, A. 2008. Seeking Nature: A Contemporary Therapeutic Environment. Therapeutic Communities, 29, autumn 2008
Dewey, J. 1938/1997. Experience and education. Macmillian, New York.
Fjortoft, I. 2004. Landscape as playscape: the effects of natural environments on children’s play and motor development. Children, Youth and Environments, 14: 23-44
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