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Study programmes > Other studies > Special Education > (in Polish) Pedagogika specjalna (niestacjonarne jednolite magisterskie)

(in Polish) Pedagogika specjalna (niestacjonarne jednolite magisterskie) (ZM-PC-1)

(in Polish: Pedagogika specjalna (niestacjonarne jednolite magisterskie))
long cycle programme
part-time studies, 5 years (10 semesters)
Language: Polish

Jednolite studia magisterskie na kierunku pedagogikaspecjalna trwają 5 lat i przygotowują do pracy z uczniami ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi w placówkach kształcenia specjalnego, integracyjnego i edukacji włączającej.

Studia przygotowują:

  • pedagogów specjalnych – nauczycieli specjalistów do pracy w placówkach kształcenia integracyjnego i ogólnodostępnego
    oraz (w zależności od wybranej specjalności):
  • nauczycieli do pracy na wszystkich etapach edukacyjnych w placówkach specjalnych w odniesieniu do podstawy programowej dla uczniów z umiarkowaną i znaczną niepełnosprawnością intelektualną (specjalność edukacja i rehabilitacja osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną);
  • nauczycieli zajęć w przedszkolach, szkołach i placówkach kształcenia ogólnodostępnego, integracyjnego oraz specjalnego (w zależności od wybranej specjalności).
  • wspierania dorosłych osób z niepełnosprawnościami i ze zróżnicowanymi potrzebami

Kandydaci przyjęci na studia podlegają kwalifikacji na specjalności w trakcie studiów. Kwalifikacja na specjalności przeprowadzana jest na I roku studiów w semestrze letnim.

Na studiach niestacjonarnych planowane do uruchomienia specjalności, które dają przygotowanie pedagogiczne do pracy w zawodzie nauczyciela:

  1. Edukacja i rehabilitacja osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną - absolwenci przygotowani będą do prowadzenia zajęć z dziećmi, młodzieżą i osobami dorosłymi z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w stopniu lekkim, umiarkowanym, znacznym i głębokim oraz z niepełnosprawnością sprzężoną z współwystępującą niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Uzyskają wiedzę i umiejętności w zakresie m.in.: wielospecjalistycznej oceny funkcjonowania osoby niepełnosprawnej, wieloprofilowej terapii oraz metodyki kształcenia specjalnego i rehabilitacji. Będą potrafili przeciwdziałać marginalizacji osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, przedstawiać ich potrzeby, możliwości i ograniczenia. Po ukończeniu studiów absolwenci przygotowani będą do pracy w charakterze nauczyciela pedagoga specjalnego w zakresie edukacji i rehabilitacji osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w stopniu lekkim, umiarkowanym, znacznym i głębokim w przedszkolach i szkołach specjalnych, specjalnych ośrodkach szkolno-wychowawczych, przedszkolach i szkołach ogólnodostępnych z oddziałami specjalnymi, pedagoga specjalnego prowadzącego zajęcia rewalidacyjno-wychowawcze z dziećmi i młodzieżą z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w stopniu głębokim, pedagoga specjalnego – terapeuty w poradniach psychologiczno-pedagogicznych, rehabilitacyjnych i ośrodkach rehabilitacyjnych. Absolwenci, będą również mogli podjąć pracę w charakterze nauczyciela współorganizującego proces kształcenia integracyjnego (nauczyciela wspierającego) w przedszkolach i szkołach ogólnodostępnych, w placówkach integracyjnych, w placówkach z oddziałami integracyjnymi oraz w placówkach realizujących edukację włączającą.
  2. Terapia pedagogiczna - absolwenci przygotowani będą do pracy z osobami (uczniami) z zaburzeniami i odchyleniami rozwojowymi, w tym specyficznymi trudnościami w uczeniu się (dysleksją, dysgrafią, dysortografią i dyskalkulią). Po ukończeniu studiów absolwenci posiadać będą posiadać wiedzę na temat uwarunkowań specyficznych trudności w uczeniu się oraz umiejętność diagnozowania specyficznych trudności edukacyjnych, opracowywania i realizowania indywidualnych programów terapeutycznych. Po ukończeniu studiów absolwenci posiadać będą przygotowanie do pracy w charakterze nauczyciela specjalisty terapii pedagogicznej na stanowisku nauczyciela prowadzącego zajęcia specjalistyczne tj. zajęcia korekcyjno-kompensacyjne oraz inne zajęcia o charakterze terapeutycznym w przedszkolach, szkołach, poradniach psychologiczno-pedagogicznych i innych placówkach realizujących pomoc psychologiczno-pedagogiczną. Absolwenci, będą również mogli podjąć pracę w charakterze nauczyciela współorganizującego proces kształcenia integracyjnego (nauczyciela wspierającego, wspomagającego) w przedszkolach i szkołach ogólnodostępnych, w placówkach integracyjnych, w placówkach z oddziałami integracyjnymi oraz w placówkach realizujących edukację włączającą.

Qualification awarded:

Long cycle degree - magister - in special education

Access to further studies:

third cycle programme, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes approved by resolution No. 199/2019 of the Senate of the Maria Grzegorzewska University of 24 September 2019.
After completing long-cycle Master's studies in special education, the graduate:
in terms of KNOWLEDGE, knows and understands the facts, theories, methods, and complex relationships between them, also in connection with other fields, forming the basis for designing and undertaking various activities in the field of special education; various complex determinants and the axiological context in working with individuals with special educational needs;
in particular, knows and understands:
- main trends in the development of scientific disciplines to which special education belongs, its place in the system of sciences, its subject-specific and methodological connection with humanities, social and medical sciences, as well as subdisciplines of special education and organised terminology used within their area,
- expanded philosophical, psychological, and social concepts of human beings, constituting the theoretical basis for rehabilitation, education, therapy, and social reintegration,
- processes of normal and disrupted human development (in biological, psychological, and social aspects), resulting in special needs of participants in the complex processes of education, rehabilitation, therapy, and social reintegration,
- advanced methods of diagnosing special educational needs,
- contemporary approaches to the problems of students with special educational needs (subjectivity, autonomy, self-determination, quality of life) and the resulting new forms of education, including inclusive and integrated education,
- comprehensive concepts of socialisation, education, teaching-learning, rehabilitation, therapy, and social reintegration of individuals with special educational needs, as well as various factors influencing the effectiveness of undertaken interventions,
- the structure and function of the special education system within the broader context of general education,
- subject-specific and methodological foundations for conducting classes with individuals having special educational needs (relevant to chosen specialisation),
- methodological and organisational principles regarding the education of students with special educational needs within the integrated and inclusive system, including cooperation models between special educators and teachers, specialists, and parents, as well as personalised class models, effective teaching strategies, and principles of universal lesson management,
- methodological principles for designing and conducting research in special education emphasising research methods used in social sciences; understands the need for multiparadigmatism; knows the ethical principles and norms related to research in special education,
- economic, legal, and ethical foundations of rehabilitation, educational, therapeutic, and social reintegration strategies,
- essentials of speech apparatus functionality and pathologies, as well as the principles of using voice effectively,
- principles of providing first aid,
- norms related to the culture of the Polish language (and selected foreign languages),
- occupational health and safety guidelines,
- fundamental dilemmas of contemporary civilisation,
- principles regarding the protection and management of intellectual property and copyright law,
- mechanisms of creating and developing individual entrepreneurship in both objective (active participation in the business area) and subjective (personal traits influencing economic activity) aspects,
- ethical principles and norms applicable in the fields of rehabilitation, education, therapy, and social reintegration;
in terms of SKILLS, the graduate can perform tasks, formulate and solve problems related to educational, care, social reintegration, therapeutic, and supportive activities using new knowledge, also from other fields; independently plan own lifelong learning and guide others in this regard; communicate with diverse audiences and provide sound justifications for own positions;
in particular, can:
- identify and interpret complex social phenomena and problems, illustrating their connections with various fields of special education as well as other fields such as social, humanistic, and medical sciences,
- use basic psychological knowledge and advanced pedagogical knowledge to gather data for analysing complex and atypical processes and phenomena in the field of education, rehabilitation, therapy, and social reintegration; properly select sources of knowledge, assess, critically analyse, synthesise, creatively interpret, and present them,
- conduct comprehensive diagnosis and assessment of complex rehabilitation, educational, therapeutic, and social reintegration situations,
- use contemporary psychological and pedagogical concepts in planning, executing, and evaluating the process of educating and teaching students with special educational needs,
- design and conduct rehabilitation, educational, therapeutic, and social reintegration activities; evaluate these activities and devise non-standard solutions to specific problems,
- conduct classes for diverse groups, individualising tasks and adapting methods and content to meet the needs and abilities of students, including those with special educational needs; use principles and methods for designing personalised classes; implement effective programmes aimed at improving students' cognitive skills and social competencies as well as enhancing integration of students with special educational needs,
- construct simple research projects, differentiate among research methodologies, formulate research problems and hypotheses, select suitable research methods and techniques, create research tools, develop, present, and interpret research findings, draw conclusions, indicate directions for further research, creatively present research findings within special education; cooperate with fellow team members at different stages of research design and execution,
- communicate with specialists and individuals outside the pedagogical circle, taking into account applicable language norms, using various techniques and communication channels; actively participate in debates on complex issues related to special education; precisely articulate their own opinions and positions, doubts and suggestions, evaluate other viewpoints,
- use a foreign language consistent with the requirements specified for the B2+ level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, with particular emphasis on terminology in special education,
- work in a team taking on various roles, undertake and delegate tasks; cooperate with fellow specialists and participants in rehabilitation, education, therapy, and social reintegration processes; lead the team's work, taking on a guiding role, including planning, organising, and monitoring the execution of complex team-driven educational initiatives,
- analyse own pedagogical, didactic, educational, care, and rehabilitative actions; identify areas requiring modification, experimentation, and implementation of innovative actions; independently devise and implement a programme for personal and professional development, as well as inspire participants in pedagogical processes to plan and pursue their lifelong learning and development,
- provide first aid in emergency situations,
- use the voice effectively,
- use Polish language accurately and employ specialised terminology appropriately according to the age of the students;
in terms of SOCIAL COMPETENCIES, the graduate is prepared to establish and develop appropriate patterns of conduct when working with individuals with special educational needs, both within and outside the workplace. They are ready to take professional initiatives, engage in critical self-assessment, evaluate the teams and affiliated organisations, lead groups and take responsibility for them;
in particular, is prepared to:
- appreciate the traditions and achievements of scientific research in the field of special education, as well as to advance and broaden them into new areas and research procedures; critically evaluate own knowledge and skills, as well as those of other specialists; creatively use scientific knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems, and seek expert opinions when facing difficulties in solving problems independently,
- take responsibility and fulfil social obligations, including:
- showing respect for the culture of the Polish language,
- communicating and cooperating with the environment; actively participating in groups and organisations involved in implementing educational, rehabilitative, therapeutic, and social reintegration activities; building relationships based on mutual trust among all participants in the education process, including parents and caregivers of students; involving them in activities conducive to effective teaching; communicating with individuals from diverse backgrounds and with varying emotional conditions; resolving conflicts through dialogue and fostering a conducive atmosphere for communication both inside and outside the school classroom,
- consciously assume social obligations related to the responsibilities of a special education teacher,
- make efforts and demonstrate perseverance in carrying out both individual and team professional tasks inherent in the role of a special education teacher,
- inspire and organise activities involving other people for the benefit of the social environment for individuals with special educational needs,
- think and act in an entrepreneurial manner,
- recognise the characteristics of the local environment and cooperate for the benefit of students and that environment,
- responsibly fulfil professional roles related to rehabilitation, education, therapy, and social reintegration activities, including:
- sensitivity to issues in the field of special education, presenting the appropriate attitude towards individuals with disabilities, and using alternative methods of communication with them,
- taking responsibility for the decisions made, actions taken, and their consequences,
- adhering to universal principles and ethical norms in own activities and demonstrating respect for every individual,
- exhibiting the characteristics of a reflective practitioner, understanding the significance of professionalism in professional work,
- recognising the need for self-improvement,
- upholding the professional ethos,
- consciously engaging in efforts to advance the scientific and research achievements of special education and expanding them into new areas and research procedures,
- working towards improving the quality of work in schools and educational institutions.

Course structure diagram:

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.aps.edu.pl/