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Study programmes > First-cycle studies > Pedagogy of Ability and Computer Science > Pedagogy of Ability and Computer Science

Pedagogy of Ability and Computer Science (DZ-PZ-1)

(in Polish: Pedagogika zdolności i informatyki (stacjonarne I stopnia))
first cycle programme
full-time studies, 3 years (6 semesters)
Language: Polish

Stacjonarne studia pierwszego stopnia (dzienne) na kierunku Pedagogika zdolności i informatyki, zakończone dyplomem licencjata po III roku studiów.

Studia na kierunku nauczycielskim przygotowują do pracy pedagogicznej z uczniem, zdolnym oraz do prowadzenia zajęć komputerowych i informatyki.
W ramach zajęć z zakresu pedagogiki zdolności i pedagogiki twórczości rozwijają wiedzę stymulującą do działań na rzecz rozwoju własnych zdolności oraz kreatywności. W ramach zajęć informatycznych rozwijają umiejętności efektywnego korzystania z nowoczesnych technologii we własnym rozwoju oraz realizacji zajęć informatycznych z  wykorzystaniem komputerów, urządzeń mobilnych i robotów edukacyjnych oraz aktualnego oprogramowania edukacyjnego. Absolwent został przygotowany do dostrzegania i podejmowania zadań programistycznych i rozwiązywania problemów dzięki kształceniu myślenia algorytmicznego, heurystycznego i  komputacyjnego.

Studia gwarantują solidne przygotowanie pedagogiczne wzbogacone o zajęcia z heurystyki, nowatorstwa pedagogicznego, pedagogiki zdolności i twórczości oraz rozbudowane umiejętności informatyczne. W rezultacie studia ułatwią znalezienie interesującej pracy w placówkach edukacyjnych, firmach komercyjnych w branży szkoleniowej, fundacjach, poradniach psychologiczno-pedagogicznych, placówkach upowszechniania kultury, świetlicach oraz innych instytucjach ukierunkowanych na kreatywność i wymagających wysokich kompetencji informatycznych.

Dla zainteresowanych pracą w szkole w zawodzie nauczyciela studia na kierunku inicjują drogę kształcenia do pracy w charakterze pedagoga  i nauczyciela zajęć informatycznych, uprawniając do kontynuacji studiów na stopniu drugim, dającym pełne kwalifikacje w tym zakresie (zgodnie z obowiązującymi standardami kształcenia nauczycieli pełne kwalifikacje do pracy w szkole uzyskuje się po ukończeniu studiów II stopnia, a więc w pięcioletniej ścieżce kształcenia).

Qualification awarded:

First cycle degree - licencjat - in pedagogy of ability and computer science

Access to further studies:

second cycle programme, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes approved by Resolution No. 211/2021 of the Senate of the Maria Grzegorzewska University of 30 June 2021 concerning the first-cycle study programme in the field of Pedagogy of Ability and Computer Science with a general academic profile.

Upon completion of first-cycle studies in Pedagogy of Ability and Computer Science, the graduate:

in terms of KNOWLEDGE, has an advanced understanding of facts, theories, methods, and complex relationships between them, as well as connections with other scientific fields, diverse, complex determinants of educational activities, pedagogy of ability, and IT education;

in particular:

- has basic knowledge about the place of education and computer science in the system of sciences, about their subject and methodological connections with other scientific disciplines, knows their terminology and theoretical models,
- has organised knowledge about education, teaching and learning and their philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, biological, and psychological foundations, and knows basic theories concerning these processes,
- is familiar with selected concepts of the human being: philosophical, psychological, and social, as well as theories of human development, constituting theoretical foundations of educational activity,
- knows the specifics of the functioning of the information society: human and world, arising from civilisational development and the possibilities of applying modern technologies in education, including distance education, complementary education, and computer-aided education,
- has knowledge in the field of general issues of computer science and the structure and functioning of computer systems; knows the principles of building modern computers and devices cooperating with them, operating systems, and computer networks; knows the structure and principles of operation of data processing and transmission devices, educational robots, etc.,
- is familiar with the possibilities and applications of computer software: office, graphics, utility and educational programs, as well as internet applications,
- knows and understands critical issues in the field of algorithms and programming, including possibilities and scope of application of algorithmics, software environments, and programming languages used in computer education,
- knows the possibilities and limitations of Internet use, understands the principles of safe use of the computer network, including data and device security,
- has knowledge of data collection, selection, and processing, as well as data repositories, with an emphasis on relational databases, knows the consequences of information overload,
- is familiar with specialised computer hardware and software supporting people with disabilities,
- has basic knowledge of types of social structures and institutions of social life, as well as different educational environments, their specifics, and processes occurring in them,
- has knowledge of the structure and functions of the education system; goals, legal foundations, organisation, and functioning of various educational, care, therapeutic, cultural, and support institutions as well as alternative forms of education, is familiar with inclusive education and methods of implementing the principle of inclusion,
- has basic knowledge of designing and conducting research in educational science and social sciences, especially of research problems, methods, techniques, and research tools,
- has subject-matter knowledge regarding conducting educational activities in the field of pedagogy of ability and pedagogy of creativity,
- has knowledge of the profession of computer science teacher and school counsellor, issues related to planning a career development path and the role of an educator in shaping the attitudes and behaviours of participants in the education process,
- has knowledge of standards, procedures, and best practices used in the work of a pedagogy of ability teacher, as well as the methodology of teaching IT courses/conducting classes and selecting effective teaching aids and forms of work with students,
- has detailed knowledge of designing and conducting diagnostic and evaluative research in educational practice in relation to appropriate educational stages and considering the diverse academic needs of students,
- has knowledge of shaping the attitudes and behaviours of students in the area of social, emotional, and cognitive functioning,
- has detailed knowledge of participants in educational and care activities, including students with special (diverse) educational and developmental needs, knows key concepts, classification, and legal acts concerning work with students with special educational needs,
- has knowledge about interpersonal and social communication processes, their regularities, and disturbances,
- has basic knowledge of first aid and occupational health and safety in educational, care, cultural, and support institutions,
- has organised knowledge of ethical principles and norms and their application to fundamental dilemmas of contemporary civilisation,
- knows basic regulations and norms regarding intellectual property and copyright, including responsible and critical use of digital media,
- has knowledge about entrepreneurship in the education sector,
- knows and understands the basics of the functioning and pathologies of the speech apparatus and the principles of effective use of speech organs;

In terms of SKILLS, can innovatively perform tasks and solve complex and atypical problems in variable and not entirely predictable conditions, use knowledge from various fields, independently plan their lifelong learning, effectively communicate with the environment, justify own position, and use expert opinions;

in particular:

- can observe and interpret social phenomena, analyses their connections with various areas of educational activity and design solutions to identified problems,
- can use basic theoretical knowledge in the field of education and related disciplines to analyse and interpret educational problems, including complex and atypical ones, and take corrective actions, both in recognised conditions and not entirely predictable ones,
- can use terminology in the field of computer science to describe devices and software,
- can use technical and computer devices as well as ICT networks; use computer software: office, graphics, utility and educational programs, as well as internet applications; freely and consciously use the Internet following safety principles, netiquette, and copyright; can design data repositories, especially relational databases, manage data and their structures,
- can prepare algorithms and program in various software environments using programming languages, selecting them according to the program's capabilities and level of education,
- can select and apply information technologies supporting people with disabilities,
- can diagnose the needs and capabilities of each student, design and implement personalised education programs,
- can personalise tasks and select content, methods, and assessment methods, as well as promote students' achievements, develop their abilities, creativity, and independence,
- can create learning-motivating situations, analyse their effectiveness, and modify didactic, educational, and care activities to achieve desired educational outcomes,
- can use difficult situations and students' errors, as well as the student assessment process to stimulate their work on their development,
- can responsibly organise school and extracurricular work respecting the student's right to rest,
- has basic research skills allowing for the analysis of research examples and the design and conduct of simple educational research; can formulate conclusions, develop and present research results (using ICT) and indicate directions for further research,
- can assess the usefulness of typical methods, procedures, and best practices for carrying out tasks related to various spheres of educational activity; can create solutions to specific educational problems and forecast the course of their solution and predict the effects of planned actions,
- can work with people with special educational needs; work in a cognitively, culturally, socially, or financially diverse classroom and with children with poor knowledge of the Polish language; can provide educational assistance in solving educational problems, supporting educational activities, organising preventive activities, justifying the need to shape appropriate attitudes towards people with disabilities and their place in social life,
- can animate work on the development of participants in educational processes and support their independence in acquiring knowledge, develop their key competencies, and inspire lifelong learning; effectively support conscious and responsible decision-making in educational and professional matters,
- can provide first aid,
- can follow ethical principles and norms, perceives and analyses ethical dilemmas; forecasts the consequences of specific educational actions, engages in self-reflection, and takes actions for professional development,
- has developed interpersonal communication skills, can use specialised language and communicate precisely and coherently using various channels and communication techniques with education specialists , as well as with non-specialists, can present and evaluate various opinions and positions and engage actively in debate,
- uses speech apparatus in accordance with the principles of voice emission,
- can plan and organise individual and group work during teaching and educational activities, apply appropriate principles, methods, and didactic means to ensure the effectiveness of undertaken actions,
- constructs tools for identifying talented students based on theoretical models and tools for assessing creative potential and creative attitudes; tools for evaluating conducted training sessions,
- can analyse and construct documentation related to school activities and psychological and educational assistance processes,
- has language skills in the field of the chosen field of study, consistent with the requirements specified for level B2 of the European Language Learning Framework,
- cares about own professional development, can independently acquire knowledge and develop professional skills, using various sources (in native and foreign languages) and modern technologies (ICT), can analyse own actions and indicate areas requiring modification;

in terms of SOCIAL COMPETENCE, is ready to cultivate and promote patterns of appropriate behaviour in the work environment and beyond, identify social needs, initiate actions for the public interest, make independent decisions, ensure the updating of acquired knowledge, critically assess own actions, actions of teams led, and organisations participated in, and take responsibility for the consequences of these actions;

in particular:

- has a critical attitude towards acquired knowledge and skills, understands the need for continuous professional and personal development; evaluates own competencies and improves skills,
- is convinced of the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems, hence seeks knowledge and, in case of problems, turns to experts and seeks their opinions,
- believes in the significance, value, and necessity of educational activities in the social environment; is ready to take on professional challenges and understands their social significance,
- shows sensitivity and readiness to act for the public interest, including people requiring care, assistance, and special attention, and is ready to build relationships based on trust in the place of conducted educational activities,
- is prepared for active participation, individually and in groups, as well as in institutions implementing educational activities, thinking and acting in an entrepreneurial manner, and caring for the development of these institutions,
- is aware of the importance of reflection on ethical issues and compliance with professional ethics, guided by respect for every human being and the ethics of scientific research,
- believes in the importance of behaving professionally; prepares responsibly for own work; is ready to build effective cooperation and a good atmosphere for communication with the entire school community and to resolve conflicts through dialogue,
- is aware of the importance of participation in cultural life and feels responsible for preserving cultural heritage,
- is aware of the importance of using acquired psychological knowledge to analyse educational activities; creatively seeks the best didactic solutions, professionally resolves conflicts, shows empathy towards students, and provides them with support and assistance in the learning process,
- is aware of the importance of developing students' curiosity, active participation, and cognitive independence, as well as logical and critical thinking, shaping the practice of systematic learning and using various sources of knowledge, stimulating students to lifelong learning,
- is ready to promote responsible and critical use of digital media and respect for intellectual property rights,
- is aware of the importance of maintaining health and physical activity,
- is aware of the importance of cooperation skills, including group problem-solving in various areas of school and non-school life and performing teamwork tasks.

Course structure diagram:

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.aps.edu.pl/