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Study programmes > First-cycle studies > Social Work > Social Work (full-time studies)

Social Work (full-time studies) (DZ-PS-P2)

(in Polish: Praca socjalna (stacjonarne I st.))
first cycle programme
full-time studies, 3 years (6 semesters)
Language: Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

First cycle degree - licencjat - in social work

Access to further studies:

second cycle programme, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

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Learning outcomes approved by the Resolution no. 162/2019 of the Senate of The Maria Grzegorzewska University of 16 May 2019 on the programme of studies in the field of
practice-focused social work, as amended.
LEARNING OUTCOMES IN THE AREA OF KNOWLEDGE – The graduate of the first cycle study programme in the field of social work has an extended knowledge of facts, theories, methods and complex relationships between them, various and complex conditions of conducted activity in the field of social work,
and in particular:
- has a basic knowledge on the importance of social work in the system of sciences and its subject and methodological relations to other scientific disciplines, knows how to apply this knowledge in professional activity;
- has an advanced knowledge on social welfare institutions, sources and methods of acquiring resources needed to solve social problems;
- knows the cultural, political, legal and economic aspects of the social welfare system;
- knows selected philosophical, psychological, social and biological concepts of man;
- is familiar with human functioning in society, types of bonds and social structures as well as the dilemmas of modern civilisation;
- knows and understands social diversity which is a risk factor for the stigmatisation of individuals and families;
- has a basic knowledge about the rules of communication between a social worker and a social welfare client;
- knows the methodology of social research enabling research in the field of social work and the interpretation of results, as well as the diagnosis of human functioning and the organisation of social assistance;
- knows and understands the principles of industrial property protection and copyright law;
- knows the basic principles of creating and developing individual entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship.
LEARNING OUTCOMES IN THE AREA OF SKILLS – the graduate can perform tasks in an innovative way and solve complex and unusual problems in variable and not fully predictable conditions, plan his/her lifelong learning, communicate with the milieu, argue his/her point of view,
and in particular:
- can analyse, diagnose and predict the situation of clients, using knowledge about the subsequent stages of methodical procedure in social work, develops solutions to problems of varying complexity;
- uses modern technologies to obtain information from reliable sources; critically evaluates and analyses the collected data;
- knows how to solve conflicts through mediation and negotiation and cope with stressful situations;
- can prepare dissertations and oral presentations on specific issues in the field of social work;
- knows how to use and prepare documentation used in social work;
- applies legal and ethical principles, as well as professional standards relevant to social assistance, taking into account the confidentiality and accessibility of the assistance provided;
- can communicate with the milieu using specialised terminology and participate in debates;
- knows a foreign language at level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages;
- can work in a group and cooperate with representatives of other professions, volunteers and institutions; knows how to plan and organise individual and team work;
- can independently plan and implement his/her own learning.
LEARNING OUTCOMES IN THE AREA OF SOCIAL COMPETENCES – the graduate is ready to cultivate and disseminate the patterns of proper conduct inside and outside the work milieu, make independent decisions, critically evaluate his/her activities as well as the activities of teams and organisations to which he/she belongs, and take responsibility for the effects of these activities,
and in particular:
- is ready to critically assess his/her knowledge and acquired information, recognises the importance of knowledge in solving theoretical and practical problems related to the profession of social worker, feels the need to seek expert opinions in the case of difficulties in solving problems independently; understands the need for continuous personal and professional development and lifelong learning;
- critically assesses his/her competences and work effects, uses help, consultations and supervision;
- tries to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner; independently prepares and participates in the preparation of social projects for people from various social backgrounds;
- takes a responsible and empathetic attitude towards other people, especially social welfare clients; recognises and formulates moral and ethical dilemmas related to his/her and other people's work; cares about the achievements and traditions of the profession of social worker.

Course structure diagram:

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.aps.edu.pl/