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Study programmes > First-cycle studies > Speech Therapy > (in Polish) Logopedia (stacjonarne I st.)

(in Polish) Logopedia (stacjonarne I st.) (DZ-LO-1)

(in Polish: Logopedia (stacjonarne I st.))
first cycle programme
full-time studies, 3 years (6 semesters)
Language: Polish

Stacjonarne studia pierwszego stopnia (dzienne) na kierunku logopedia, zakończone dyplomem licencjata po III roku studiów.

Studia pierwszego stopnia na kierunku logopedia mają charakter unikatowy, ponieważ jako jedyne w Polsce są realizowane w powiązaniu z pedagogiką. Umożliwiają zdobycie wszechstronnej wiedzy w zakresie pedagogicznych, psychologicznych, medycznych i lingwistycznych podstaw logopedii, czyli dziedziny zajmującej się zaburzeniami w językowym i niejęzykowym porozumiewaniu się.

Absolwent zna normy rozwoju mowy, potrafi wykorzystywać je w praktyce, a więc rozpoznawać objawy nieprawidłowości w komunikacji językowej na etapie jej rozwoju oraz u osób dorosłych. Potrafi propagować i realizować profilaktykę logopedyczną, prowadzić zajęcia ortofoniczne i logorytmiczne. Otrzymał podstawy wiedzy na temat różnych form patologii mowy i pełną wiedzę dotycząca zaburzeń wymowy (dyslalii), także ich przyczyn oraz stanów opóźnionego rozwoju mowy. Absolwent opanował umiejętności praktyczne w zakresie: prowadzenia logopedycznych badań przesiewowych, diagnozy i terapii dzieci z zaburzeniami artykulacyjnymi oraz zajęć mających na celu likwidowanie trudności w czytaniu i pisaniu (pozostających w związku z zaburzeniami wymowy). Podczas studiów pierwszego stopnia absolwent zdobywa niezbędne przygotowanie umożliwiające dalsze kształcenie się (na studiach drugiego stopnia na kierunku logopedia) w celu uzyskania pełnych kwalifikacji do wykonywania zawodu logopedy (według wymagań MEiN oraz wskazań polskiego i europejskiego środowiska logopedycznego).

Qualification awarded:

First cycle degree - licencjat - in speech therapy

Access to further studies:

second cycle programme, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes approved by Resolution No. 204/2021 of the Senate of the Maria Grzegorzewska University of 30 June 2021 concerning the first-cycle studies in speech therapy with a general academic profile.
Upon completion of the first-cycle studies in speech therapy, the graduate:

In terms of KNOWLEDGE demonstrates advanced knowledge and understanding of selected facts, objects, and phenomena, as well as the methods and theories explaining complex relationships occurring between them, constituting fundamental general knowledge within the scientific disciplines forming the theoretical basis, as well as selected issues within the scope of specialised knowledge relevant to the study programme, and also fundamental ethical, economic, legal, and other factors shaping various activities related to the conferred qualification;

in particular, knows and comprehends:

- the connections between speech therapy and pedagogy, their position within the system of sciences, their subject-specific and methodological connections with other scientific disciplines, and the terminology used within pedagogy and its sub-disciplines,
- the medical fundamentals of speech therapy; biological underpinnings of speech and thinking; the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system; foundations of audiology and phoniatrics; voice disorders, genetic disorders and multiple disabilities; foundations of orthodontics, psychopathology, psychiatry, neurology, neonatology, and physiotherapy in speech therapy,
- linguistic fundamentals of speech therapy; phonetics and phonology of contemporary Polish language; theoretical basis of language knowledge; basic issues in Polish language word formation as well as syntax and inflexion; basic concepts and main theories in sociolinguistics; acoustic and visual phonetics,
- psychological and pedagogical foundations of speech therapy as well as preventive and supportive measures; foundations of neuropsychology; development and formation of child speech; developmental psycholinguistics; psychological factors influencing language and cognitive development in children; the role of sensory integration in speech development and language acquisition; bilingualism, its types and implications for child development; prevention of speech problems; foundations of pedagogical audio-phonology; issues of reading activities and its psycholinguistic and glottodidactic components, reading and writing in language communication; dyslexia risk and principles of dyslexia diagnosis and therapy; issues of intercultural speech therapy; pedagogical methods in speech therapy; methods of augmentative and alternative communication; cued speech method for speech visualisation; basics of sign language, logorhythmics, and artistic speech therapy; the role of computers, media, and new technologies in speech therapy; principles of organising speech therapy services; the role of a speech therapist's skills,
- principles of speech therapy diagnostics for primary functions and orofacial reflexes, and rehabilitative procedures for swallowing disorders; issues of early speech therapy intervention, delayed speech development in diagnosis and therapy, speech development disorders of cortical origin, types of speech disorders (dyslalia), speech fluency disorders such as stuttering and cluttering, selective mutism, aphasia, and dysarthria; principles of speech therapy diagnosis and therapy, including individuals with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and dysarthria; speech therapy procedural methodology and principles of developing speech therapy programmes; issues of speech therapy for individuals with visual and hearing impairments, gerontological speech therapy, and oncological speech therapy with foundations of post-laryngectomy voice rehabilitation; methods of auditory and language education and individualised special therapy,
- education system: organisation and functioning of the education system, fundamental aspects of educational law, national and international regulations concerning human rights, children, students, and individuals with disabilities; the significance of the schools as educational institutions; functions and goals of school education; models of contemporary schools; the concept of school's hidden curriculum, alternative forms of education, the issue of intra-school regulations, core curriculum within the context of teaching programme and educational and prevention activities, the issue of assessing the quality of school or educational institution activities,
- the role of a teacher and teaching concepts: professional ethics of a teacher, professional pragmatics of teaching - rights and obligations of teachers; principles of legal responsibility of guardians, teachers and class tutors for the safety and health protection of students; issue of assessing the quality of teaching; principles of designing their own professional development path; the role of novice teachers in school reality; factors contributing to success in teaching and illnesses related to the teaching profession; issues of self-reflection and self-development: personal resources in teaching, their identification and development, individualised coping strategies, stress, and teacher burnout,
- education in the context of development: ontological, axiological, and anthropological foundations of education; key dilemmas of contemporary civilisation; essence and functions of education and the process of education, its structure, characteristics and dynamics; psychological and pedagogical support in schools - legal regulations, forms, and principles of support in educational institutions, as well as the importance of cooperation between the student's family and the school and the school with the extracurricular environment,
- principles of educational and caregiving work of a teacher: duties of a teacher as a class tutor, methodology of educational work, educational work programme, classroom management styles, order and discipline, respect for the dignity of the child, and student, differentiation, individualisation, and personalisation of work with students, functioning of the school class as a social group, social processes in the class, conflict resolution in the class or homeroom group, animating socio-cultural life of the class, supporting student self-governance and autonomy, developing in children, and students communication skills and social skills necessary for forming proper relationships; concepts of integration and inclusion; the situation of children with physical and intellectual disabilities in mainstream schools; problems of children with autism spectrum disorders and their functioning; problems of neglected and unattended children and the school situation of children with migration experience; issues of children in crisis or traumatic situations; threats to children and youth: phenomena of aggression and violence, including electronic aggression, and different forms of addictions, including those related to psychoactive substances and computers, as well as issues concerning informal groups, youth subcultures, and sects,
- the situation of students with special educational needs: special educational needs of students and their determinants (scope of functional diagnosis, methods and tools used in diagnosis), the need to adapt the educational process to suit the needs of students with special educational needs (designing support, constructing individualised programmes), and the topic of assessing the effectiveness of support for students with special educational needs; principles of working with students with learning difficulties; causes and manifestations of learning difficulties; prevention of learning difficulties and their early detection; specific learning difficulties like dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthography, and dyscalculia as well as learning difficulties resulting from perceptual-motor impairments and developmental disorders of abilities, including linguistic and arithmetic ones, and ways to overcome them; principles of teacher diagnosis and diagnostic techniques in pedagogy,
- career counselling: supporting students in designing their educational and professional path, methods and techniques for determining students' potential and the need to prepare students for lifelong learning,
- foundational concepts in psychology: cognitive processes, perception, reception and processing of information, speech and language, thinking and reasoning, learning and memory, the role of attention, emotions and motivations in behaviour regulation processes, abilities and talents, psychology of individual differences - differences in intelligence, temperament, personality, and cognitive style,
- the process of student development during childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood: physical, motor, and psychosexual development, development of cognitive processes (thinking, speech, perception, attention, and memory), socio-emotional and moral development, physical and psychological changes during puberty, development of selected mental functions, developmental norm, development and shaping of personality, development in the context of education, disorders in the development of basic mental processes, theories of student integral development, disharmonies and developmental disorders in students, behaviour disorders, issues such as shyness and hyperactivity, special talents, disorders in functioning during puberty, low mood, depression, crystallisation of identity, adulthood, identification with new social roles, as well as the formation of lifestyle,
- theory of social perception and communication: social behaviours and their determinants, interpersonal situation, empathy, assertive, aggressive and submissive behaviours, attitudes, stereotypes, prejudices, stress and coping with it, people's communication in institutions, rules of cooperation, communication processes, barriers in communication, media and their educational influence, communication styles of students and teachers, barriers in classroom communication, different forms of communication: self-presentation, active listening, effective transmission, nonverbal communication, emotional communication in the classroom, communication in conflict situations,
- the learning process: learning models, including classical concepts and contemporary approaches based on neuropsychological research findings, methods and techniques of learning with consideration for developing metacognition, learning difficulties, their causes, and strategies for overcoming them, methods and techniques for identifying and supporting the development of talents and interests, barriers and difficulties in the communication process, techniques and methods for improving communication with students and among students,
- the position of didactics within pedagogy, as well as the subject and tasks of modern didactics and the relationship of general didactics to specific didactics; contemporary teaching concepts and educational goals - sources, ways of formulating them, and their types; didactic principles, teaching methods, teaching content, organisation of the educational process and student work; the issue of the lesson as a didactic unit and its structure, lesson models and the way of conducting lessons, as well as styles and techniques of working with students; classroom interactions; didactic resources,
- the issue of the school class as an educational environment: styles of class management, challenges with maintaining order and discipline, social processes in the class, class integration, creating an environment conducive to learning progress, and teaching in a class characterised by diversity in cognitive, cultural, social status, or material aspects; the need for designing educational activities adapted to the diverse needs and capabilities of students, especially psycho-physical abilities and learning pace, as well as the need and methods of equalising educational opportunities, the importance of discovering and developing predispositions and talents, and issues related to preparing students to participate in subject competitions and olympiads; the didactic autonomy of the teacher,
- ways and importance of assessing students' school achievements: formative assessment in the context of teaching effectiveness, the intra-school assessment system, types and methods of administering tests and external exams; assessment of the didactic effectiveness of the teacher and the quality of school activities and educational value-added,
- the importance of language as a teacher's tool: the issue of working with students with limited proficiency in the Polish language or language communication disorders, methods of communication for didactic purposes - the art of lecturing and asking questions, ways of increasing students' communication activity, practical aspects of public speaking, such as linguistic correctness, language ethics, the etiquette in both traditional and electronic correspondence, and issues related to voice emission, including the structure, functioning, and protection of the speech organ and principles of voice emission,
- the organisation, statute, work plan, tasks, and principles of ensuring safety for children in preschools and students in schools or educational institutions and outside them, as well as preventive-educational programmes implemented in these institutions,
- economic, legal, ethical, and other factors that influence various types of teacher's professional activities, including concepts and principles within industrial property protection and copyright law, basic principles of creating and developing various forms of entrepreneurship; human rights and civil liberties;

in terms of SKILLS, is able to use their own knowledge by formulating and solving complex and untypical problems, performing tasks under conditions that are not fully predictable, including those involving advanced information and communication technology (ICT) techniques; plan and organise individual work as well as teamwork; cooperate with others within team projects (including interdisciplinary ones) and plan and implement strategies for their lifelong learning;

in particular, is able to:

- observe and interpret social phenomena and their determinants, developmental processes of students; therapeutic, caregiving, educational, and organisational actions of teachers; relate them to various areas of speech therapy and draw conclusions for building pedagogical skills,
- analyse the medical foundations of speech therapy; analyse and determine the biological foundations of speech and thought; explain the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system; analyse and apply foundations of audiology and phoniatrics, orthodontics, psychopathology and psychiatry, neurology, neonatology, and physiotherapy in speech therapy; analyse voice disorders, genetic disorders, and multiple disabilities,
- analyse the linguistic foundations of speech therapy; analyse and apply phonetics and phonology of contemporary Polish language; analyse theoretical foundations of language knowledge; present basic issues in Polish language word formation, syntax, and inflexion; introduce basic concepts and main theories in sociolinguistics; analyse and interpret acoustic and visual phonetics; use voice emission apparatus according to principles; employ correct Polish language usage,
- analyse psychological and pedagogical foundations of speech therapy and preventive and supportive measures; apply the foundations of neuropsychology; analyse and evaluate the development and formation of child speech as well as developmental psycholinguistics; define and asses the psychological factors influencing language and cognitive development in children; asses the role of sensory integration in speech development and language acquisition; define bilingualism and its types; determine implications of bilingualism for child development; apply speech therapy prevention; use foundations of pedagogical audio phonology; analyse reading activities and their psycholinguistic and glottodidactic components and introduce the role of reading and writing in language communication; identify dyslexia risk and dyslexia, including methods for diagnosis and therapy; use intercultural speech therapy; analyse and apply pedagogical methods, methods of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), and basics of sign language in speech therapy; apply logorhythmics and artistic speech therapy,
- analyse and apply speech therapy diagnostics of primary functions and orofacial reflexes; plan and execute rehabilitative procedures for swallowing disorders; plan and execute early speech therapy intervention; determine delayed speech development in diagnosis and therapy, speech development disorders of cortical origin, speech disorders (dyslalia); plan and conduct diagnosis and therapy of people with intellectual disabilities; identify speech fluency disorders such as stuttering and cluttering; provide speech therapy for blind and deaf individuals, employing methods of auditory and language education; diagnose and analyse selective mutism; plan and conduct speech therapy diagnosis and therapy for people with autism spectrum disorders; diagnose aphasia and conduct its therapy; plan and conduct speech therapy for patients with dysarthria; plan and conduct individualised rehabilitation methodology; apply gerontologopedics and onkologopedics with basics of post-laryngectomy voice rehabilitation; conduct diagnosis and devise speech therapy programmes using established methodology,
- analyse examples of research and construct and conduct simple pedagogical studies; able to formulate conclusions, develop and present results, as well as indicate directions for further research,
- diagnose cases of human rights violations, including discrimination, identify their legal basis, and recommend applying appropriate legal measures for their protection,
- use basic theoretical knowledge in speech therapy and related disciplines to identify and solve educational problems in unpredictable conditions, such as managing conflicts, effectively communicating, coping with stress; assessment, critical analysis, and synthesis of information, as well as selection and application of appropriate methods and tools, including advanced information and communication techniques,
- recognise the approximate potential and educational needs of students (cognitive, cultural, social and material diversities, talents, interests, barriers, and learning difficulties of students; situations of threats and student addictions); design appropriate support, methods, and forms of work for them, and advise them on their development path in accordance with programme assumptions,
- plan and carry out, in collaboration with other teachers and the extracurricular environment, educational and self-educational activities for the comprehensive development of participants in caregiving, educational, and therapeutic processes, including integration activities, work with gifted students, initiatives for both their own professional development and that of their students, independence in acquiring knowledge, developing key competencies, lifelong learning; conscious and responsible decision-making; developing personal etiquette,
- evaluate the actions taken; assess the suitability of typical methods, procedures, and good practices for the implementation of tasks related to various spheres of pedagogical activity; evaluate student work and present it in the form of formative assessment,
- formulate ethical judgments related to the teaching profession,
- express orally and in writing in a clear, coherent, and precise manner, creating elaborate oral and written justifications on given topics in Polish and a foreign language (at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages); communicate with the environment using specialised terminology and scientific writing skills,
- analyse observed or experienced pedagogical situations and incidents during professional practice, with guidance from a professional practice supervisor and academic teachers specialising in psychological-pedagogical preparation;

in terms of SOCIAL COMPETENCIES, is prepared to cultivate and promote patterns of appropriate behaviour within the workplace and beyond, make independent decisions, critically evaluate their own actions as well as those of the teams they lead and organisations in which they participate, and take responsibility for the consequences of these actions.

in particular, is prepared to:

- engage in self-reflection, adopt a critical attitude towards their own knowledge, skills, and competencies; continuously pursue professional development and personal growth, and independently or in collaboration with others, enhance their pedagogical skills; effectively correct their language errors and improve voice emission apparatus,
- use acquired knowledge to analyse educational events and solve cognitive and practical problems, thus is ready to seek knowledge and, when faced with difficulties, consult experts and cooperate with them,
- engage in pedagogical activities in the social environment; creatively seek optimal pedagogical and didactic solutions to foster the developmental progress of those under their care; take up professional challenges with an understanding of their social significance, sense, and value,
- act in the interest of the public, including individuals requiring care, assistance, and special attention; build relationships based on trust, show empathy, and professionally resolve conflicts in the place of pedagogical activities,
- think and act in an entrepreneurial way,
- adhere to principles of professional ethics, take responsibility for their pedagogical-logopedic actions, i.e. diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, referring the individuals in their care to other specialists, providing oral and written opinions; preserve the achievements and traditions of the teaching profession of a speech therapist.

Course structure diagram:

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.aps.edu.pl/