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Study programmes > All studies > Protective and Educational Pedagogy > (in Polish) pedagogika opiekuńczo-wychowawcza i szkolna (stacjonarne II st.)

(in Polish) pedagogika opiekuńczo-wychowawcza i szkolna (stacjonarne II st.) (DU-WS-1)

(in Polish: pedagogika opiekuńczo-wychowawcza i szkolna (stacjonarne II st.))
second cycle programme
full-time studies, 2 years (4 semesters)
Language: Polish

Studia dla absolwentów studiów pierwszego stopnia na kierunku/specjalności pedagogika opiekuńczo-wychowawcza, posiadający przygotowanie psychologiczno-pedagogiczne oraz dydaktyczne w zakresie dydaktyki i emisji głosu zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem MNiSW z dn. 25 lipca 2019 w sprawie standardu kształcenia przygotowującego do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela.

Studia na kierunku Pedagogika opiekuńczo-wychowawcza i szkolna stanowią kontynuację nauczycielskich studiów pierwszego stopnia z zakresu pedagogiki opiekuńczo-wychowawczej. Przygotowują studentów/ki do działania w ramach profesji społeczno-pedagogicznych - przede wszystkim do pracy w szkole.  Studia przygotowują do podejmowania intencjonalnych działań na rzecz rozwoju i edukacji dziecka, łączących różne środowiskowe podmioty  tej działalności: zarówno indywidualne i grupowe (uczniowie, dzieci, rodzice, nauczyciele, mieszkańcy sąsiedztwa) oraz instytucjonalne (m.in., urzędy, instytucje kultury, oświaty, wychowania, instytucje socjalne czy wyznaniowe).

Kształcą refleksyjnych praktyków potrafiących integrować własne doświadczenia praktyczne ze zdobywaną wiedzą teoretyczną, w wyniku czego uzyskują oni pogłębione rozumienie własnego, profesjonalnego działania.  

Studia są skierowane do osób zainteresowanych projektowaniem, organizowaniem i realizacją wsparcia społecznego dziecka i rodziny w szkole i w środowisku.

Program dostarcza wiedzy na temat rozwoju człowieka w całym przebiegu jego życia oraz na temat funkcjonowania rodziny, czynników sprzyjających zagrażających dobrostanowi dziecka i osób dorosłych, a także na temat modeli polityki społecznej w tym polityki oświatowej i możliwości organizowania wsparcia społecznego w środowisku lokalnym. Przygotowuje do umiejętnego diagnozowania potrzeb dziecka i środowiska lokalnego, czy instytucji oraz stosownie do nich do projektowania i realizowania usług społecznych: z zakresu opieki, wychowania, pomocy, a także koordynowania tych usług. Uczy, jak uruchamiać lokalny kapitał społeczny, budować sieci wsparcia dzieci, osób dorosłych i rodzin, wspierać partycypację i obywatelstwo i budować podmiotowość jednostek, grup i sąsiedztw.  

Ukończenie studiów daje Absolwentowi/ce kompetencje niezbędne do podjęcia zatrudnienia jako: pedagog szkolny, wychowawca w placówkach oświatowych i opiekuńczo-wychowawczych, wsparcia dziennego oraz instytucjach pieczy zastępczej.

Qualification awarded:

Second cycle degree - magister - in protective and educational pedagogy

Access to further studies:

doctoral school, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes approved by Resolution No. 444/2022 of the Senate of the Maria Grzegorzewska University of 28 September 2022.

Upon completion of second-cycle studies in protective and educational pedagogy, the graduate:

in terms of KNOWLEDGE, has extensive knowledge and understanding of selected facts, objects, and phenomena, as well as the methods and theories explaining complex relationships between them, which constitutes advanced general knowledge in scientific or artistic disciplines forming the theoretical foundations; has organised and theoretically grounded knowledge that addresses key issues and selected topics of advanced detailed knowledge pertinent to the field of education (its programme); knows the main developmental trends within the relevant scientific or artistic disciplines; understands fundamental dilemmas of contemporary civilisation, as well as economic, legal, ethical, and other conditions relevant to professional activities associated with the field of study, including principles of industrial property protection and copyright, principles of intellectual property management; knows the basic principles of creating and developing various forms of entrepreneurship;

in particular:

- has deepened and expanded knowledge about the sources and place of pedagogy in the system of sciences (its subject-methodological connections with other scientific disciplines),
- knows at an extended level the terminology used in pedagogy and various concepts and models related to pedagogical theory and practice,
- has advanced general knowledge in the scientific disciplines that form significant theoretical references to pedagogy,
- has in-depth knowledge of human development throughout the life cycle in biological, psychological, social, and cultural aspects,
- has expanded knowledge of the types of social bonds and the regularities governing them,
- has expanded knowledge about various kinds of social structures and their transformations significant from the perspective of educational, protective, and social processes,
- has expanded and detailed knowledge of the structure of the education system and/or the child and family support system, as well as individuals in difficult situations,
- knows selected education systems and/or child and family support systems, as well as individuals and groups in difficult situations in other countries,
- has organised knowledge of the entities (individual, group, institutional) of educational, protective, cultural, assistance, and therapeutic activities and their activities in the field of protective, educational, social, cultural, and therapeutic work,
- has organised knowledge of the relationships between individual entities operating in the field of education, culture, protection, and support,
- has organised knowledge of diagnostic activities (individuals, groups, institutions, and the local environment),
- has organised knowledge of designing activities within protective and educational work,
- has organised knowledge related to evaluating implemented activities,
- has organised knowledge of interpersonal and social communication processes, their regularities and disturbances,
- has deepened and organised knowledge of contemporary trends in pedagogy; understands their historical and cultural determinants,
- has detailed knowledge of fundamental dilemmas of contemporary civilisation (including ethical dilemmas), embedded in the context of challenges and tasks for education, protection, and assistance,
- has in-depth knowledge about economic, legal, and ethical determinants of various types of pedagogical activities, including principles of intellectual property management,
- knows the basic principles of creating and developing various forms of individual entrepreneurship in education;

in terms of SKILLS, can use acquired knowledge, formulate and solve complex and unconventional problems, and innovatively perform tasks in unpredictable conditions by selecting appropriate sources and information; evaluation, critical analysis, synthesis, and creative interpretation and presentation of this information; selecting and using appropriate methods and tools, including advanced information and communication techniques (ICT), adapting existing or developing new methods and tools; can use acquired knowledge: formulate and test hypotheses related to simple research problems, as well as formulate and solve problems and perform tasks typical for professional activity; communicate on specialist topics with diverse audiences; conduct debates; use a foreign language at the B2+ level of the European Framework of Reference for Languages and specialist terminology; lead team work, cooperate with others within team work and take on a leading role in teams; independently plan and implement lifelong learning and guide others in this area; critically assess acquired knowledge and received content; appreciate the importance of expertise in solving cognitive and practical problems and seek expert opinions when faced with challenges in independent problem-solving;

in particular:

- can use theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy and related disciplines to analyse complex educational, protective, cultural, assistance, and therapeutic phenomena,
- can use theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy and related disciplines to plan innovative practical activities,
- can search for and process information about various social phenomena using various sources and techniques, including advanced information and communication techniques,
- can observe phenomena of psychological, social, and/or cultural nature and, in relation to theoretical knowledge in the field of education, protection, and assistance, interpret these phenomena,
- can distinguish orientations in pedagogical research methodology, formulate research problems, select appropriate methods, techniques and construct research tools; develop, present, and interpret research results, draw conclusions and indicate directions for further research in the field of protective, educational, social, and educational work,
- can interpret social phenomena and/or identify pedagogical problems using theoretical knowledge of pedagogy and related disciplines,
- can choose and apply an appropriate course of action for a given pedagogical activity, select means and methods of work to effectively perform emerging professional tasks in the field of protective, educational, and assistance work,
- has advanced communication skills,
- can effectively communicate through various channels and communication techniques with specialists in the field of pedagogy, as well as with non-specialist recipients, using modern technological solutions,
- can properly present own positions with well-developed arguments in the context of selected theoretical perspectives,
- has language skills in the field of pedagogy, especially related to education, protection, and assistance, consistent with the requirements specified for level B2+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages,
- can work in a team, set and accept common goals for action, and take on a leadership role in a team,
- can independently plan own learning and development in the field of social sciences,
- can support others in acquiring knowledge independently and inspire them to work for lifelong learning;

in terms of SOCIAL COMPETENCES, is ready to fulfil social obligations, inspire and organise activities for the benefit of the social environment, initiate actions for the public interest, think and act in an entrepreneurial manner, responsibly perform professional roles while considering changing social needs, including developing professional skills, maintaining professional ethos, following and developing professional ethical principles, and upholding these principles;

in particular:

- exhibits a profound awareness of own level of knowledge and skills, is ready for critical analysis of received content, recognises the need for continuous personal and professional development,
- appreciates the importance of pedagogical sciences for individual development and healthy relationships in social environments, has a positive attitude towards acquiring knowledge in the studied scientific discipline and building the pedagogue's professional skills, and in case of problems, seeks expert knowledge,
- is responsible for own preparation for work, decisions made, and actions taken, as well as their consequences, feels responsible towards the people for whom they strive to act in good faith, expresses such an attitude in the environment and indirectly shapes this approach among others,
- is sensitive to social and educational issues, ready to engage in communication and cooperation with the environment, and actively participate in groups and organisations that carry out educational activities for the benefit of the public, including those in need of care or assistance,
- is ready to act in an entrepreneurial manner,
- exhibits prudence and maturity in understanding the role of a pedagogue and readiness to advance professional achievements while upholding the profession's ethos, is convinced of the necessity and importance of behaving professionally and following professional ethical principles.

Course structure diagram:

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.aps.edu.pl/