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Study programmes > All studies > Pre-school and Early School Education > (in Polish) Pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna (niestacjonarne jednolite magisterskie)

(in Polish) Pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna (niestacjonarne jednolite magisterskie) (ZM-PW-1)

(in Polish: Pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna (niestacjonarne jednolite magisterskie))
long cycle programme
part-time studies, 5 years (10 semesters)
Language: Polish

Studia na kierunku Pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna (niestacjonarne jednolite magisterskie)  nadają kwalifikacje do pracy na stanowisku nauczyciela wychowania przedszkolnego i edukacji wczesnoszkolnej, przygotowane we współpracy ze środowiskiem praktyków pracujących w placówkach oświatowych. Program studiów oparty jest na współczesnej wiedzy o rozwoju, wychowaniu i kształceniu dzieci, uwzględnia szeroki zakres kompetencji nauczyciela, w tym w obszarze pracy z dziećmi i uczniami ze specjalnymi potrzebami rozwojowymi i edukacyjnymi. Zajęcia na studiach prowadzą wysokiej klasy nauczyciele akademiccy i praktycy, współpracujący w ramach projektów międzynarodowych z wieloma ośrodkami zagranicznymi i wykorzystujący nowoczesne metody profesjonalnego rozwoju studentów.

Kierunek wysoko oceniany przez krajowych i zagranicznych ekspertów: w roku 2021 uzyskał prestiżowy międzynarodowy certyfikat jakości Journey to Changemaker (jako drugi w Polsce i pierwszy dla kierunku pedagogicznego).

Studenci kierunku wyróżniają się poziomem wiedzy i umiejętności, są  rozpoznawalni i bardzo wysoko cenieni na rynku pracy.

Dodatkowym warunkiem rekrutacji na kierunek pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna jest przedłożenie zaświadczenia od logopedy potwierdzające poprawność wymowy kandydata.

Qualification awarded:

Long cycle degree - magister - in pre-school and early school education

Access to further studies:

third cycle programme, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes approved by resolution No. 199/2019 of the Senate of the Maria Grzegorzewska University of 24 September 2019.
Upon completion of long-cycle Master's studies in preschool and early school education, the graduate:

In terms of KNOWLEDGE, has extensive knowledge and understanding of selected facts, theories, methods, and complex relationships between them, also in relation to other fields; diverse and complex determinants, as well as the axiological context of activities in the field of preschool and early school education;

in particular, knows and understands

- cultural, anthropological, axiological, and sociological descriptions of modern times; the functions of education in societies and individuals' lives; types and roles of ideologies in social life, especially the role and significance of educational ideologies; description, characteristics, specificity, social location, blockages and developmental opportunities of different social groups; elements of the sociology of education; fundamental dilemmas of contemporary education,
- processes of education and teaching and learning (selected theoretical approaches); ontological, axiological, and anthropological foundations of education; the essence of education; the concept of education as a meeting in dialogue, the issue of education towards responsible freedom; types of interpersonal relations and the processes governing these relations; main educational environments, the issue of multicultural society and basics of intercultural dialogue,
- the role of the teacher and concepts of the teacher's work; professional ethics of the teacher, the importance of principles and intentions during educational activities; conditions for success in teaching; skills of analysing life and professional situations; challenges faced by a novice teacher in school reality; principles of designing one's professional development path; conditions for success in teaching,
- the terminology used in preschool and early school education, its sources, place, and application within related scientific disciplines; the place of preschool and early school education in the system of science and its substantive and methodological connections with other scientific disciplines; main developmental trends in preschool and early school education,
- processes related to the education and teaching of children and students, with particular emphasis on the early, middle, and late childhood stages from interdisciplinary, psychological, educational, axiological, and sociological perspectives,
- the role of the teacher in shaping the attitudes and behaviours of children or students,
- concepts of child and childhood (childhood studies) and their cultural and social determinants; interdisciplinary issues of child well-being; methodological perspectives on research on children and childhood, as well as ethical requirements for research involving children,
- types, goals, and principles of operation of educational institutions for children in preschool and early school age; goals and principles of cooperation between preschool or school and external entities; models, functions, opportunities, threats of cooperation; ways of dealing with educational problems of children or students and solving them in cooperation with the family and the child's or student's environment, as well as ways of building one's authority in professional relationships and cooperation with a team of teachers and other entities involved in the process of education and teaching,
- basic concepts of psychology: cognitive processes, perception, reception and information processing, speech processes, thinking and reasoning, learning and memory, the role of attention, emotions, and motivations in behaviour regulation, as well as processes related to abilities and talents, psychology of individual differences, including differences in intelligence, temperament, and cognitive style,
- human development throughout the life cycle, the process of child development in successive periods of childhood: physical, motor and psychosocial development, development of cognitive processes and socio-emotional and moral development; developmental norms (diversity of approaches) and the phenomenon of developmental disharmony (asynchrony); development and shaping of personality; disorders in the development of basic psychological processes and theories related to the integral development of children or students,
- psychological foundations of the learning process of children or students; learning models (classical concepts, contemporary approaches based on neuropsychological research results), methods and techniques of learning with consideration for the development of metacognitive skills; learning difficulties and strategies for overcoming them, methods and techniques for identifying and supporting the development of talents and interests,
- theory of social perception and communication: social behaviours and their determinants; interpersonal situation; issues such as empathy, assertive, aggressive, and submissive behaviours, attitudes, stereotypes, prejudices, negotiation and conflict resolution; rules of cooperation; group processes and roles; barriers and difficulties in the communication process, techniques and methods improving communication with children, mechanisms shaping the attitudes of children or students,
- the importance of self-reflection and self-development; teacher's resources in work - identification and development, individual coping strategies, issues of stress and teacher burnout; basics of the psychology of creativity and training in creative thinking; communication training, teacher's communication styles with educational entities; methods of overcoming communication barriers,
- developmental predispositions in early childhood that facilitate learning a foreign language,
- ways of learning a foreign language by children or students in selected psychological concepts, language competencies of children and students, critical age theory, social and cultural aspects of teaching foreign languages, as well as the role of the teacher in both spontaneous and reactive-spontaneous learning of children or students,
- play and task strategies in learning a foreign language by children or students, conditions for acquiring language competencies by children in preschool and school, and ways of motivating children or students to learn a foreign language,
- practical use of concepts derived from the theory of literature, culture, and language knowledge,
- basics and extent of selecting teaching content for children or students in the Polish language; concepts derived from the theory of literature, culture, and language knowledge; familiarity with classical and contemporary literature for children and with culture for young audiences,
- basic grammar structures and language forms,
- culture of countries within a specific language area, as well as selected literature, rhymes, songs, and games for children in a foreign language,
- basic structures of school mathematics: numbers and their properties, number systems, operations on numbers, shapes, functional relationships and dependencies, graphical representations,
- teaching content in mathematical education for preschool and years 1-3: numbers and counting, aspects of numbers, positional and non-positional numeral systems, properties of operations on numbers, issues of geometrical measures; classification of geometrical shapes, symmetry, three-dimensional manipulations and creating models of solid figures, early exposure to algebra, clock and calendar concepts,
- teaching content of mathematics for older years of primary school: properties of integers and rational numbers, operations on fractions, algebraic expressions, geometric reasoning and notation, conversion of units of measurement, counting using multiplication and addition rules, the pigeonhole principle, defining figures and examining their properties (angles, polygons, circles), simple geometric constructions, such as perpendicularity and parallelism on the plane and in space, solid figures, coding position on the plane and in space, elements of descriptive statistics, graphical representation of data, basic geometric constructions, algorithms, and recursive constructions,
- mathematical reasoning within school mathematics, including deductive reasoning, argumentation, and reasoning notation, performing numerical and geometric experiments, identifying regularities leading to generalisations, justifying generalisations, formulating and verifying hypotheses, deductive reasoning in plane and spatial geometry,
- applications of mathematics in everyday life and other areas, including technology, art, economics, and nature,
- key concepts and phenomena within both animate and inanimate nature in the child's or student's environment,
- basic concepts of social studies,
- basics of entrepreneurship and economics, including the principles of creating various forms of entrepreneurship,
- basic concepts and principles of computer science as applied to working with children or students,
- principles of modelling real-life situations and representing data as well as data gathering and processing,
- principles of designing algorithms and their implementation in computer form,
- principles of organisation and functioning of electronic devices, computers, and computer networks, and their application,
- social aspects of computer science and its applications, as well as the impact of computer science on societal development and threats in the virtual world,
- conditions for professional development using information and communication technologies and computer science; computer educational programs designed for the youngest students,
- basics of the theory of aesthetics and culture, its application in the visual arts education of children or students,
- resources and principles of disseminating various visual messages in preschool and early school education,
- characteristic features of the creative work of a child within visual arts, its personal and environmental determinants,
- contemporary concepts and models of visual arts education in Poland and worldwide,
- basics of drawing,
- terminology pertaining to music and its application in music education,
- sources of musical culture, their cultural and social determinants, and significance for the development of children or students,
- characteristic features of the creative work of a child, its personal and environmental determinants; forms of musical performance, structure of musical works, basic terms of musical notation,
- basic musical repertoire for children or students in preschool and early school education,
- selected contemporary concepts and models of music education in Poland and worldwide,
- assumptions, goals, and content of general technical education for children or students,
- the child's situation in the world of modern technology,
- characteristic features of the creative work of a child pertaining to technology, its personal and environmental determinants,
- contemporary concepts and models of technical education in Poland and worldwide,
- terminology pertaining to physical activity and fitness,
- connections between physical activity and fitness with health,
- forms of physical activity tailored to the needs and abilities of children or students, encouraging them to engage in physical activity,
- the process of learning and teaching motor skills,
- body posture disorders and correct patterns of movement,
- selected contemporary concepts and models of physical education in Poland and worldwide,
- models, determinants, and health hazards,
- the essence of life skills and health-seeking behaviours,
- basic issues of human biological development,
- ways to support children in health-related activities and mitigate health-threatening conditions; possibilities for changes in the environment of children or students; brain learning processes,
- diversity of models for understanding the processes of supporting the development of children or students, including behavioural, constructivist, and emancipatory; tasks of preschool and early school education in fostering the development of children or students; the process of children's adaptation in preschool and students in school; strategies for stimulating cognitive activity in children or students; principles of using play to stimulate children's development; the role of initiation: literary, theatrical, musical, artistic, and technical,
- organisation of an optimal educational environment in preschool and years 1-3 of primary school; possibilities of utilising various methods of organising learning and teaching environments in daily educational practice; organisation of the educational environment while considering the specific needs and abilities of individual children, students, or groups; the need to use information obtained from specialists, including psychologists, speech therapists, educators, doctors, parents, or guardians, when working with children or students,
- principles of designing personalised educational strategies in preschool and years 1-3 of primary school, developing knowledge in preschool and years 1-3 of primary school; ways to integrate the knowledge and skills of children in preschool and students in years 1-3; principles of designing and conducting educational activities, recognising the needs, capabilities, and talents of children or students, as well as planning, implementing, and evaluating personalised education, teaching and learning programmes,
- criteria and methods for critically assessing and selecting school programmes and textbooks, theoretical and methodological principles involved in constructing the educational and didactic work programme in preschool and years 1-3; hidden preschool or school curriculum, programmes, and textbooks in preschool and early school education,
- theoretical foundations of assessment and evaluation of the educational process in preschool and years 1-3 of primary school, including goals, functions, types of assessment, the process and consequences of assessment; student participation in controlling and assessing their knowledge and skills; rights and wrongs in the assessment process; quality assurance system for preschool and school work; evaluation process in preschool and school; evaluation methods and techniques,
- values, models, and principles of critical practice; autonomy and educational responsibility of the teacher; principles of creating original teaching programmes; knowledge management in the information society,
- teaching and learning process; principles of designing educational activities; styles and techniques of working with children or students combining different areas of knowledge; the role of diagnosis, control, and assessment in the teacher's work; models of the contemporary school, alternative educational systems,
- ways of using theoretical knowledge of linguistics, cultural and literary education and methodology to design classes within Polish language education in preschool and years 1-3 of primary school,
- personalised educational strategies aimed at developing writing and reading skills,
- methods of developing reading interests, the so-called reading initiation, and using various types of texts in work with children (students),
- methods of teaching a foreign language to children in preschool and years 1-3 of primary school, including Total Physical Response (TPR) by J. Asher and The Silent Way by C. Gattegno,
- core curriculum for the first educational stage in the field of foreign languages,
- methods of designing foreign language classes, selection and preparation of didactic materials; strategies for creating conditions for situational teaching and learning in the daily activities of children or students while taking into account their individual predispositions; learning through joint action in various types of games, including thematic, constructional, motor, musical, didactic, creative, in natural situations and social contexts,
- the importance of games, theatre and drama, storytelling, songs, and movement in teaching foreign languages to children or students; multimedia techniques in teaching foreign languages,
- principles of assessing language skills of children or students,
- stages of intellectual development in the context of the scope and methods of mathematical education; stages of pre-operational, concrete operational, and formal operational reasoning,
- issues of mathematical education in preschool: core curriculum and mathematical education programme, developing intuition regarding numbers and counting - cardinal, ordinal, and measurement aspects of numbers, comparing the cardinality of sets, stimulating operational reasoning development - reversibility, developing causal reasoning, developing spatial orientation also on a piece of paper, addition and subtraction with fingers and other auxiliary aids, distributing and sharing by several, developing geometric intuitions, games and activities with mathematical themes, simple strategic games,
- issues of mathematical education in years 1-3 of primary school: core curriculum, designing mathematical activities while shaping numerical concepts and arithmetic skills, introducing mathematical symbolism and notation, developing spatial orientation and geometric imagination, shaping mathematical skills needed in life situations,
- the role of student homework and principles of designing tests and assessment,
- forms of activities for children or students: manipulations, experiments, building flat and spatial models using various materials, including ready-made elements, independent discovery of mathematical laws, conducting simple reasoning, e.g., using puzzles,
- the importance of mental arithmetic, difficulties in mastering it, techniques for developing arithmetic proficiency, smart calculation strategies,
- methods of working with word problems, methods of using graphical representations in arithmetic exercises and solving word problems,
- the importance of shaping logical and critical thinking skills, formulating and verifying hypotheses, recognising and utilising regularities and analogies, using argumentation and counterexamples also in solving puzzles, abstracting, generalising, classifying, defining, and algorithmizing,
- types and sources of typical student errors, their role and ways of using them in the didactic process,
- didactic materials in children's mathematical education: educational packs, worksheets, manipulation and classification elements, abaci, counting boards, Dienes blocks, Cuisenaire rods, dice, dominos, cards, mosaics, various types of constructional geometric blocks, logical puzzles, simple strategic games,
- the importance of using mathematical games and activities to achieve educational goals, including their application in working with students with learning difficulties and gifted students; principles of constructing student games, team-based learning and consolidation of knowledge,
- the role of mathematical competitions for students in years 1-3: types, rules of play, task characteristics, educational values; ways of preparing students for participation in competitions,
- methods of using theoretical knowledge about the natural and social environment, as well as methodological knowledge to plan didactic classes within environmental education in preschool and years 1-3 of primary school,
- the importance of creating conditions for research activities and experiments, organising educational scenarios that enable children to explore independently,
- methods of fostering entrepreneurship in children or students,
- the importance of purposeful and proper use of typical computer applications by students for creating graphic illustrations, working with text, performing calculations, using services on computer networks, as well as acquiring, storing, and processing information,
- the importance of creating problem-solving situations in students' environment and in other areas of education, which students model and solve by creating an algorithm, reproducing it offline and implementing it in a computer-based version,
- the role of developing programming skills in students in a block-visual programming language environment,
- the role of integrating computer education activities with elements of other areas of education as well as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic activities,
- the importance of promoting and shaping students' civic and prosocial attitudes and responsibilities in the world of digital media,
- stages, methods, and forms of designing children's or students' artistic activities,
- methods of fostering creative activity in children or students,
- principles of designing art activities in preschool and years 1-3 of primary school,
- methods and techniques for diagnosing children's or students' artistic abilities and monitoring their development in this area,
- principles of designing rhythmic and musical play activities for children in preschool and years 1-3 of primary school,
- the importance of performing musical works by children in preschool and years 1-3 of primary school,
- principles of designing music activities focused on fostering enjoyment in children or students through their actions, prioritising the process over the outcome,
- methods of fostering creative activity in children or students,
- methods and techniques for diagnosing children's or students' musical abilities and monitoring their musical development,
- stages, methods, and forms of designing children's or students' technical activities,
- the idea of technical initiation for children or students,
- manipulative and constructional play as well as creative tasks; methods of designing technical activities,
- the need to develop children's or students' technical skills in relation to technology, culture, and folk art,
- the importance and principles of demonstrating physical exercises,
- principles of planning, organising, and conducting physical activities for children or students, including spontaneous physical activity, physical exercises and motor play activities in the gym, on the school playground, and outdoors, while following safety rules,
- methods of diagnosing overall physical fitness, especially motor skills related to health, and assessing the effort and achievements of children or students,
- strategies for conducting classes that take into account the needs and abilities of children or students with special developmental and educational needs,
- methods of designing various forms of activities to promote health culture among children or students, including planning, implementation, and evaluation of the process,
- ways to develop a health-promoting attitude among children or students,
- models, determinants, and health threats,
- theories, concepts, and models of special or individual developmental and educational needs - medical, social, and biopsychosocial, including ADHD, dyslexia risk, difficulties in acquiring arithmetic skills, autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, and other motor disorders, genetic disorders, chronic diseases, and somatic differences,
- types of special developmental and educational needs of preschool children and students in the early years of primary school resulting from disabilities or other biopsychosocial causes, manifested in the areas of physical-motor, cognitive, and socio-emotional development,
- principles, rules and classifications, including ICF, ICD, DSM, and tools for functional assessment of abilities of preschool children and students in the early years of primary school,
- theories, classifications, causes, and manifestations of developmental, learning, and behavioural difficulties of preschool children and students in the early years of primary school,
- theoretical foundations, goals, forms, and legal and organisational bases of inclusive education,
- goals, principles, and forms of cooperation between preschools and schools with parents or guardians of children or students with special developmental and educational needs as well as with preschool children and students in the early years of primary school in the process of education, teaching and learning,
- the functioning of preschool or school as an organisation,
- basics of education law,
- teacher professional pragmatics, including rights and obligations of teachers,
- principles of intra-preschool or intra-school law,
- children's rights,
- student safety rules in preschool or school and outside, providing first aid; principles of occupational health and safety in educational, educational, and care institutions, with particular emphasis on preschool and primary school,
- theories, concepts, and models for recognising developmental and functional characteristics of preschool children at the onset of their education and students in the early years of primary school – the foundational stage of general education (year 1 of primary school) as the basis for supporting the development of children or students in the early education stage,
- legal foundations, goals, functions, and types of assessment to support the development of preschool children and students in the early years of primary school and principles of developing educational assessment tools,
- predominant types of interests of preschool children and students in the early years of primary school and strategies for fostering children's interests,
- issues regarding the assessment of the quality of teacher performance and the quality of preschool and school work, including legal foundations, theories, goals, methods, and forms,
- issues of educational evaluation and educational added value, including their principles and forms,
- the concept of verbal and non-verbal communication,
- issues of public speaking practice,
- principles of ethics of speech and etiquette in traditional and electronic correspondence,
- linguistic correctness and proficiency,
- principles of voice emission,
- the functioning of preschools, schools, or educational institutions, the organisation of their work, participants in educational processes, and the method of keeping records,
- tasks related to caregiving, education, diagnosis, and therapy characteristic of preschools and schools, psychological and pedagogical counselling centres, educational institutions, and their environment,
- principles of organising schools or educational institutions, including basic tasks, areas of activity, organisational procedures, division of competencies, work planning, and control system,
- specific daily professional activities and skills of a teacher in an educational institution,
- the daily role and skills of a teacher in organising the environment for the education and learning of children or students,
- contextuality, openness, and variability of the teacher's daily educational and teaching activities,
- practical principles of independent planning and implementation of educational and teaching performance in preschool or years 1-3 of primary school,
- philosophical, methodological, and cultural foundations of social and educational research; concepts of knowledge, the notion of science and the status of scientific knowledge, sociocultural determinants of scientific research, philosophical trends, research paradigms and research strategies, and the significance and methods of theory building in scientific research,
- the structure of the research process in the context of the adopted research strategy (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods); the concept of a research project and research stages, criteria for choosing a research strategy, research objectives, research problems and hypotheses, variables and relationships between them, conceptualisation, operationalisation of variables, principles of creating research conceptual frameworks, sampling strategies and techniques, defining a case stud, the specificity of research in preschool and early primary education, types of research (descriptive, diagnostic, explanatory, verification, designing, comparative, experimental and quasi-experimental, survey), indexing methods, measurement and types of measurement scales and research: evaluative, panel, sociometric, comparative, field, ethnographic, performative, biographical, netnography; gathering of data and analysis methods (types and ways of using observation, types of research interviews, document, content, textual, conversational, discourse, and audiovisual analysis); research tools – constructing questionnaires, measurement scales, educational tests, observation sheets, sociometric tools principles of creating research scenarios and dispositions for qualitative research,
- principles of processing and critically analysing data in the context of the adopted research strategy and type of data; data verification and selection, coding, classification, quantification, and categorisation of data; basics of statistical analysis (descriptive statistics, frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, one- and two-factor analysis, correlations between variables, statistical inference and hypothesis testing, comparative analyses); selection and coding of qualitative data, identification of analysis categories and analysis of relationships between them, creating vignettes, networks, matrices, and concept mapping; computer programs supporting quantitative and qualitative data analysis,
- principles of preparing research results and reports; ways of presenting research results, principles of preparing and creating various types of scientific texts; writing skills, styles and genres, language, and narrative style,
- the role of quality and reliability in scientific research, different criteria for the quality of scientific research, including representativeness, validity, reliability, transparency, authenticity, triangulation of theoretical perspectives, research methods, and data sources, the possibility of generalisation and transfer of research results,
- ways of using the results of scientific research in social and educational practice, research objectives and types in the context of practical application of research, ways of practically using research (analysis and diagnosis of situations, analysis of social and educational problems, identifying needs and planning intervention activities, evaluation of achievements); critical emancipatory and transformative potential of scientific research,
- ethical aspects of conducting and using scientific research in social sciences; basic principles of conducting research, dilemmas and ethical choices at various stages of the research process, involvement of research participants, the socio-political context of social research, ways of presenting research results in the public sphere; the concept of plagiarism in research work,
- characteristics, style, and editing of scientific texts, purpose and structure of a thesis; choice of the research field in the context of personal and scientific knowledge, scientific work technique, selection of literature, forms of analysis of source materials, forms of presentation of research results and scientific reports obtained from the literature, evaluation and criticism of available theoretical sources, the ability to present arguments and strength of argumentation, ethical problems in writing a master's thesis,
- methodology of conducting scientific research; application of knowledge and methodological skills in own research project, including the choice of a research strategy, formulating research objectives and subject, developing research methods and techniques, formulating research problems, preparing research tools, selecting a research sample, field, and course of research; principles of conducting empirical research; methods of analysing research results; ways of presenting research results and the process of reaching conclusions,
- elementary knowledge of occupational safety and health in educational, care, cultural, and support institutions; knowledge of labour law regulations; knowledge of hazards in the work environment, assessment of occupational risk in terms of occupational diseases and accidents at work; knows preventive health care and procedures in the event of an accident, in situations of danger (fire, emergencies), including providing first aid in case of an accident; has basic knowledge of first aid and occupational health and safety in educational, care, cultural, and support institutions,
- the essence of contemporary philosophical and logical problems, knows ways of their justification; the significance of individual philosophical ideas and logical axioms and knows their justification in relation to contemporary social changes; knows contemporary achievements in philosophy and logic; understands complex relationships between individual philosophical and logical issues and contemporary social problems,
- basic concepts in ethics,
- selected trends in contemporary ethics, including applied ethics,
- key ethical dilemmas related to the lives of contemporary societies,
- the essence of professional ethics and its place in social sciences, as well as basic ethical terminology,
- examples of ethical problems and dilemmas, as well as conflicts of values arising in professional work,
- ethical aspects of contemporary professional activities,
- the concept of disability from physical, psychological, and social perspectives,
- psychological effects of disabilities; determinants of lifestyle from childhood to late adulthood,
- the social aspect of disability, knows institutions of social life crucial for supporting individuals with disabilities,
- psychosocial barriers to the functioning of individuals with disabilities in the context of challenges and tasks for education,
- significance of various philosophical ideas for contemporary social transformations,
- the essence of contemporary philosophical dilemmas and knows the methods of argumentation for and against,
- contemporary developmental trends and the most significant recent advancements in the field of philosophy,
- complex relationships between individual philosophical issues and contemporary social problems,
- the issue of social communication within a group, methods of group formation, and dynamics of processes occurring within it; has knowledge of techniques and methods enhancing the effectiveness of fulfilling group roles and social functioning within a group; knows effective team management,
- sources of law, principles of their creation, and basic legal concepts, especially the hierarchy of legal sources; civil and public rights concerning individuals and means of their protection; international and constitutional freedoms and human rights and means of their protection; the system of governance in Poland, organs of executive, legislative, and judicial power, their competencies, and mutual relations; capacity to perform acts of law, principles of its use, its limitations, especially total and partial incapacitation, proceedings in cases of incapacitation, and their consequences,
- sources of law, principles of their creation, and basic legal concepts, especially the hierarchy of legal sources, including acts of international and EU law, legislative procedures, and principles of their enforcement,
- history of human rights and the most important legal sources (international and national) of human rights,
- has an in-depth knowledge of the catalogue of freedoms and human rights, guiding principles of individual status, European and international human rights bodies and means of their protection,
- possesses an advanced understanding of limitations to constitutional freedoms and rights, identifies cases of direct and indirect discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, incitement to discrimination, repeated discrimination, discrimination by association, and hate speech,
- has basic knowledge of intellectual property protection;

In terms of SKILLS, can perform tasks, formulate and solve problems using new knowledge in the field of preschool and early school education, as well as from other disciplines; independently plan own lifelong learning and guide others in this area; communicate with diverse audiences, appropriately justify positions;

in particular, can:

- use theoretical knowledge in a reflective and critical manner, construct correctly elaborate oral and written discourse on various eductional issues,
- interpret teacher activities using educational and psychological knowledge, characterise the distinctiveness of educational activities; present own ideas, doubts, and suggestions backed by elaborate theoretical argumentation,
- analyse personal practical experiences in the role of a teacher or educator and interpret a model of reflective teacher consciousness,
- formulate ethical assessments related to the practice of teaching,
- recognise personal ineffectiveness as a teacher and analyse its causes,
- design pathways to achieve professional effectiveness and characterise its determinants,
- utilise and integrate theoretical knowledge in the field of early childhood and primary education, including selected educational models and concepts as well as related academic disciplines to analyse and interpret complex educational, care, cultural, and behavioural issues, as well as motives and patterns of human behaviour,
- recognise and identify parenting styles in educational practice, indicate their valuable characteristics and threats to the subjectivity of children or students,
- identify threat situations in preschool and school and create a suitable climate in the preschool group or classroom,
- organise a valuable developmental and social educational environment and support children or students in expressing their individuality in a creative manner,
- select and apply an appropriate method of conducting work in a given school and select means and methods of work to effectively complete emerging professional tasks in preschool and early school education,
- effectively communicate with diverse audiences, including students, parents, and specialists, by using modern technological solutions,
- observe the learning processes of children or students and their contexts,
- observe social behaviours and their conditions,
- effectively and thoughtfully communicate on specialist topics using appropriate terminology with diverse audiences,
- identify barriers and challenges to children's or students' participation in various activities,
- recognise the psychosocial support needs of students,
- plan strategies for professional development,
- plan strategies for the development of personal language and educational competencies,
- create a learning environment for children or students to acquire language competencies and foster their motivation for learning,
- effectively apply concepts from literary theory, cultural studies, and linguistic knowledge,
- analyse and interpret a diverse range of literary and cultural works,
- distinguish between primary and secondary linguistic phenomena pertinent to preschool and younger school-age children,
- express oneself clearly, coherently, and precisely in speech and writing, constructing elaborate oral and written arguments on given topics,
- plan actions for developing personal knowledge and skills to ensure proper implementation of Polish education in preschool and years 1-3,
- use advanced lexical, grammatical, phonetic, and sociocultural competencies when communicating in a foreign language,
- use listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills,
- independently acquire knowledge and develop professional skills by utilising different sources in a foreign language, using it at the B2 level,
- select appropriate literature, rhymes, songs, and language games for use in teaching children or students a foreign language,
- skilfully use basic mathematical objects,
- conduct simple mathematical reasoning and evaluate its correctness,
- identify and indicate the connections between mathematics and everyday life,
- solve puzzles and logical brain teasers,
- use educational support materials for teaching mathematics,
- prepare students to participate in mathematical competitions for primary schools,
- analyse and interpret commonly occurring natural phenomena,
- recognise the mutual relationships in the functioning of the natural and social environment,
- identify species of plants and animals most commonly found in children's or students' surroundings,
- demonstrate common natural phenomena through simple experiments using everyday objects,
- design and start simple algorithms on a computer,
- design a simple and functional database,
- assess the effectiveness of computer educational programs,
- organise a safe working environment when using computers,
- design visual messages tailored to the given circumstances,
- make a hand-drawn sketch of a particular object,
- create musical compositions tailored to the given circumstances,
- play simple melodies on a chosen musical instrument,
- popularise fundamental technical knowledge among children,
- ensure the safety conditions of students in the technical environment,
- demonstrate the ability to solve practical technology-related issues,
- plan physical activities under specified conditions,
- encourage children or students to engage in physical activity,
- support actions aimed at preventing the development of poor posture,
- recognise health-threatening situations and react appropriately,
- effectively advocate for health-promoting behaviours,
- cultivate safe and friendly educational environments for children's development while taking into account the individual needs, possibilities, and talents of children or students, focusing on personal and subjective development,
- critically evaluate and select programs and textbooks, develop educational curricula for preschool and years 1-3, select and modify teaching materials, resources, and educational strategies,
- use various methods to organise learning environments in daily educational practice – within the classroom, outside the educational institution, and in the local environment, providing children with various sources through, among others, information and communication technology and gaining experiences and opportunities for engaged learning,
- plan, implement, and evaluate the effects of personalised education and teaching strategies and programmes with a focus on the integral development of children or students,
- organise games and activities stimulating cognitive activity of children or students, communal and cooperative learning that emotionally, motivationally and cognitively engage all children; support their adaptation to learning within the community; identify spontaneous behaviours of children or students as educational situations and incorporate them into the educational process,
- identify and foster the interests and abilities of children or students, adjust teaching methods and content to suit their needs; develop curiosity, activity, and cognitive independence as well as a creative approach to tasks in children or students,
- organise educational activities focused on constructing knowledge in preschool and years 1-3, integrating various learning methods including various content and children's personal and newly acquired knowledge, as well as their reconstruction,
- use the assessment process of students' work to encourage self-assessment, self-regulation skills, and personal development,
- use philosophical, psychological, social, and educational knowledge to design educational activities in preschool and school; use objectivist and interpretive-constructivist paradigms to plan children's learning,
- apply styles and techniques when working with children or students, merging various areas of knowledge, foster participatory, proactive, reflective, collaborative, and cooperative learning; develop children's key competencies,
- critically evaluate the created educational practice using existing knowledge; creatively interpret and design new educational solutions,
- effectively conduct the teaching of reading,
- adapt the method of teaching writing and reading to the specific needs of students,
- inspire students to develop a passion for reading,
- design classes using situational teaching,
- use games, play, song, and movement in teaching a foreign language effectively,
- employ multimedia for effective foreign language teaching,
- foster students' understanding of numerical concepts,
- cultivate students' imagination and spatial orientation skills,
- introduce students to the principles of logical thinking,
- create educational scenarios that encourage students to formulate and test hypotheses,
- use games and other teaching aids in mathematics instruction,
- analyse students' mistakes and draw conclusions from them,
- work with students who have particular mathematical abilities,
- design student experiments in the field of natural science,
- identify and discuss basic principles of physics in the students' environment,
- conduct simple experiments using everyday objects and analyse their outcomes with students,
- familiarise students with typical computer applications for graphic design, text editing, calculations, and internet services, as well as gathering, storing and processing information,
- create problem-solving scenarios where students model and solve tasks by developing algorithms, replicating them offline, and implementing them digitally,
- integrate computer classes with other subjects,
- encourage children or students to engage in creative activities in the visual arts,
- design inspiring activities to foster creativity in children or students,
- encourage children or students to take an interest in artistic works,
- assess children's or students' artistic abilities,
- encourage participation in rhythmic-musical activities among children or students,
- guide children or students in creating musical compositions,
- spark children's or students' interest in musical works,
- assess children's or students' musical abilities,
- design a sequence of technical activities for children or students,
- consider individual differences when designing student activities,
- select manipulative and constructional games appropriate for children's or students' abilities,
- encourage students to analyse simple technical solutions,
- demonstrate physical exercises accurately,
- plan engaging physical activities for children or students,
- ensure student safety during physical exercises,
- assess students' motor skills,
- adapt motor tasks to students' individual needs and abilities,
- conduct a functional assessment of children's health components and some related well-being and environmental conditions of preschool and early school-age children, including children with disabilities, by using applicable classifications and diagnostic tools, such as ICF, ICD, DSM,
- identify the special developmental and educational needs of preschool children and younger school-age students and devise optimal strategies for organising the educational environment and supporting children or students as well as their parents or guardians throughout the education and teaching process,
- evaluate the effectiveness of identifying, addressing, and meeting the special or individual developmental and educational needs of preschool children and younger school-age students,
- cooperate with families and social environment of preschools and schools in planning the education of students with special developmental and educational needs,
- cooperate with parents or guardians of students with special developmental and educational needs, as well as with preschool children and younger school-age students in the process of education and teaching,
- recognise potential risks in preschools and schools,
- provide first aid,
- foster attitudes of mutual care, tolerance, negotiation skills in conflict resolution, and cognitive openness in children,
- design strategies aimed at the development of preschools and schools and stimulate improvements in their operational quality,
- identify individual developmental and learning characteristics of children about to start preschool and enter year 1 in primary school,
- develop appropriate tools for educational assessment,
- identify the interests of preschool children and younger school-age students and adjust educational approaches accordingly,
- recognise and characterise measurable and non-measurable outcomes of a teacher's work,
- design a path for own professional development and engage in self-assessment,
- communicate effectively,
- use the Polish language correctly,
- apply principles of effective voice emission,
- draw conclusions from observations of group or class work, children's behaviours, and engagement during lessons while taking into account students with special education needs,
- analyse educational and caregiving events observed or experienced during work experience, with guidance from work experience supervisors and academic teachers,
- use educational and subject-specific knowledge to independently plan and execute educational activities in preschool and years 1-3 of primary school (on an annual, weekly, and daily basis); design and conduct educational activities in preschool and primary school,
- reflect on and evaluate the effectiveness of own educational activities in achieving educational and teaching objectives, the methods and teaching aids used, as well as the assessment of the outcomes of conducted educational activities, use diverse strategies when working with children,
- use theoretical and subject-specific knowledge to carry out caregiving and educational tasks undertaken during work experience; plan and execute educational activities in preschool or years 1-3 of primary school under the guidance of a teacher with relevant professional experience,
- reflect on and identify spontaneous behaviours of children or students as educational situations, incorporating them into teaching sessions,
- design the research process; adeptly select research tools,
- gather data relevant to the research problem,
- conduct proper data analysis,
- prepare a report on the research findings,
- critically analyse the research report,
- select literature and source materials relevant to the topic of the thesis,
- choose the presentation format for gathered data and provide argumentation relevant to the topic of the thesis,
- analyse circumstances and causes of occupational accidents and diseases, along with relevant preventive measures,
- use philosophical and logical knowledge to formulate and solve complex and unusual social problems; communicate using philosophical and logical terminology and employ them in debate; present and evaluate other philosophical viewpoints and critically justify them; independently shape and plan personal development by identifying significant ideas and values,
- identify the consequences of science and technology advancements for human life on Earth,
- conduct a critical analysis of a scientific book addressing selected ethical issues and recognise the ethical dimensions of global problems,
- indicate the ethical dimension of the profession and illustrate it with examples of ethical dilemmas arising in professional practice,
- provide examples of the ethical dilemmas that arise in professional practice and justify personal choices made in value conflicts,
- analyse sources of adaptive and maladaptive beliefs,
- interpret the relationship between values and the level of social environmental organisation in terms of temporal orientation,
- use philosophical knowledge to formulate and solve complex and unusual social problems,
- communicate using philosophical terminology and use it in debates,
- present and evaluate various philosophical viewpoints and critically assess them,
- independently shape and plan personal development by identifying key ideas and values,
- effectively convey verbal and non-verbal, direct and indirect messages, adjusting them to suit the recipient,
- fulfil various roles within a team and adjust communication to the recipient and task situation; can lead teamwork and identify strengths and weaknesses in this area,
- differentiate between the concepts of "entrepreneurship" and "entrepreneur" as well as "entrepreneurial enterprise" and "entrepreneurial management"; define the characteristics of an entrepreneurial individual,
- find relevant legal regulations, organise them in a hierarchical catalogue; diagnose cases of human rights violations, including discrimination, identify their legal basis, and propose appropriate legal measures for their protection; observe political life, analyse and assess decisions made by representatives of public authority, especially their legality,
- engage in a health-conscious lifestyle and choose lifelong activities,
- perform and use basic exercises and integrate them into personal training programmes,
- find relevant international human rights treaties and apply the appropriate provisions for their protection,
- diagnose cases of human rights violations, including discrimination, identify their legal basis, and propose the application of suitable legal measures for safeguarding them,
- diagnose the needs of discriminated groups, especially persons with disabilities, women, and children,
- find and interpret the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg,
- identify cases of copyright infringement,
- characterise the social situation of persons with disabilities,
- characterise the psychological situation of persons with disabilities and their coping with disability,
- justify the importance of social attitudes in shaping the place of persons with disabilities in public spaces,
- explain the importance of social support for persons with disabilities and their families;

In terms of SOCIAL COMPETENCIES, is prepared to create and develop patterns of appropriate behaviour in the work and life environment; take the initiative, critically assess oneself as well as teams and organisations in which they participate; lead a group and take responsibility for it;

In particular, is ready to:

- appreciate the importance of educational sciences for personal development and healthy social relationships,
- acquire educational knowledge and develop teaching skills needed to teach preschool and early school-age children,
- undertake professional and personal challenges in childcare and education,
- follow ethical norms in professional activities while respecting human dignity,
- reflect critically on personal knowledge and skills in preschool and early school education and demonstrate the ability to learn and improve educational techniques,
- engage in professional challenges as well as individual and team professional actions in the field of early education,
- professionally resolve problems and conflicts in groups or classes,
- reflect on abilities, resources, and professional development,
- use psychological knowledge to analyse pedagogical situations,
- continuously improve subject-specific knowledge,
- reflect on linguistic and pedagogical competencies,
- promote proper attitudes of children towards different cultures,
- engage in self-reflection on existing competencies to support children or students in Polish language development,
- engage in self-reflection on existing competencies, pursue education and work to enhance language skills,
- deepen understanding of the significance and beauty of mathematics,
- deepen understanding of the functioning of the natural world,
- promote the idea of environmental care,
- stay updated on computer applications in education,
- ensure the safety of children under their care,
- convincingly advocate for the promotion of fine arts,
- promote principles of safe use of technical devices,
- professionally support children's interest in technology,
- advocate for a culture of physical activity,
- promote health and environmental protection awareness,
- act with ethical sensitivity, empathy, openness, and critical thinking, and take responsibility for children's holistic development and educational activities,
- shape valuable individual and social behaviours and attitudes in children or students, including towards culture and art, and express own individuality creatively,
- build relationships of mutual trust among all participants involved in the education and teaching process, including parents or guardians, and involve them in activities that promote the effectiveness of education,
- cooperate effectively with teachers, educators, and specialists, including psychologists, speech therapists, doctors, parents, and other members of the preschool, school, and local community for the benefit of children or students and to ensure the quality of preschool or school work,
- independently and responsibly organise children's learning; critically reflect on educational practices, examine and improve them,
- develop original programmes and use educational innovations in preschool and early school education,
- foster interest in and respect for the written word,
- positively motivate students to engage in foreign language learning actively,
- stimulate students' interest in mathematical thinking,
- show students the benefits of learning mathematics,
- foster respect for scientific thinking,
- cultivate and sustain students' curiosity much like explorers,
- promote responsible behaviour in the digital media world,
- inspire students to be creative and develop computational thinking,
- act to popularise fine arts,
- act to develop children's or students' technical interests,
- fight against stereotypes regarding gender and technical skills,
- foster a culture of physical activity,
- advocate for health and environmental consciousness,
- follow ethical conduct in the process of educating and teaching children or students with special education needs,
- accept shared responsibility for planning and implementing the process of educating and teaching children or students with special education needs and assess its outcomes,
- show empathy to students in need of support and assistance,
- foster tolerance, respect for human rights, and fundamental freedoms in children or students,
- cooperate with teachers to develop professional knowledge,
- act ethically in the process of assessing educating and teaching outcomes, both in terms of the achievements of children or students and the teacher's knowledge, skills, and social competencies, as well as those of other individuals in the children's social environment,
- continuously improve own knowledge, skills, and social competencies in the educational diagnosis process, including in educating students with special education needs and disabilities,
- caring for the standard of speech,
- effectively cooperate with work experience supervisors and teachers to expand knowledge,
- apply safety principles for children or students in an educational institution,
- develop professional training through collaboration with teachers and specialists,
- report research findings diligently,
- observe principles of academic integrity and intellectual property,
- report accurately research findings in the thesis,
- behave professionally; responsibly prepare for work; follow social safety rules and accept the economic consequences of inadequate working conditions,
- critically reflect on personal worldview, philosophical beliefs, and logical concepts, as well as on encountered philosophical and logical content in light of current social issues,
- provide substantive evaluations and responsibly perform tasks arising from the current profession and social role,
- demonstrate an open-minded approach to critical self-reflection and interpersonal relationships with others,
- express moral judgments on contemporary phenomena and understand their significance for social life,
- engage in critical reflection on personal and other people's actions and their ethical consequences,
- pursue continuous professional development, including the cultivation of moral competencies,
- engage in ethical reflection and follow professional ethics,
- pursue continuous professional development as a teacher,
- support individuals with various types and degrees of disability; shows sensitivity to disability-related issues, communicate and cooperate with the environment, and actively participate in teams, groups, and organisations working for people with disabilities,
- engage in critical reflection on personal worldview and philosophical ideas,
- implement fundamental philosophical ideas in social and public life and offer their reasoned justifications,
- critically reflect on encountered philosophical content and assess it in light of current social issues,
- make substantive evaluations and responsibly perform tasks arising from the current profession and social role,
- evaluate the level of own interpersonal skills and proficiency in communication within the group,
- act in an entrepreneurial manner for individual and organisational development,
- demonstrate a commitment to legality; respect the law and the values it protects; identify with the principle of equality and non-discrimination of diverse social groups vulnerable to discrimination; seek legal support for those in need,
- demonstrate a commitment to legality,
- respect the law and the values it protects,
- show sensitivity to all manifestations of human rights violations,
- identify with the principle of equality and non-discrimination, has an in-depth awareness of the existence of diverse social groups vulnerable to discrimination.

Course structure diagram:

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.aps.edu.pl/