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Education (part-time studies) (ZU-PE-2)

(in Polish: Pedagogika (niestacjonarne II st.))
second cycle programme
part-time studies, 2 years (4 semesters)
Language: Polish

Studia drugiego stopnia (2-letnie magisterskie) na kierunku pedagogika, zakończone uzyskaniem dyplomu magistra po drugim roku studiów.

Opis specjalności:

Zarządzanie w oświaciestudia na specjalności mają na celu przygotowanie wykwalifikowanej kadry dla potrzeb różnego rodzaju instytucji związanych z edukacją w warunkach reformy oświatowej i reformy administracji samorządowej. Przygotowują do pracy na stanowiskach różnych szczebli zarządzania oświatą (np. urzędach gmin, starostwie, agendach wojewódzkich oraz różnych placówkach oświatowych), w tym na stanowisku dyrektora lub na innych stanowiskach kierowniczych w poszczególnych typach szkół i placówek edukacyjnych.

Qualification awarded:

Second cycle degree - magister - in education

Access to further studies:

doctoral school, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

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Learning outcomes approved by Resolution No. 172/2019 of the Senate of The Maria Grzegorzewska University of 26 June, 2019 on the programme of study in the field of education of general academic education profile with further amendments.

Learning outcomes in the area of knowledge. Having completed graduate studies (second-cycle studies) in the field of education, the graduate knows and understands to an in-depth degree selected facts, objects and phenomena as well as methods concerning them and theories explaining the complex relationships between them, constituting advanced general knowledge of scientific disciplines that form theoretical bases, structured and theoretically based knowledge covering key issues and selected issues in the field of advanced knowledge typical of the programme of studies; major development trends of the scientific discipline relevant to a particular field of study; fundamental dilemmas of contemporary civilisation; economic, legal, ethical and other determinants of various types of pedagogical activities, including the principles of industrial property protection and copyright laws, principles of intellectual property management and various forms of entrepreneurship development; in particular he/she
― possesses in-depth and extensive knowledge of sources and place of education in the system of sciences as well as of its connections with other scientific disciplines; knows at an advanced level the terminology used in education;
― possesses structured and theory-based knowledge covering key issues and selected issues in the field of advanced detailed knowledge related to educational processes, knows the theories of education, learning and teaching and other educational processes;
― possesses in-depth and structured knowledge of education, its temporary directions of development, its trends and pedagogical systems, understands their historical and cultural contexts as well as the demand of multi paradigm;
― possesses in-depth knowledge of human development in the cycle of life, both in biological, psychological and social aspects, constituting the basis for the design and implementation of pedagogical activities;
― possesses extended knowledge of different types of social structures and social institutions as well as different educational environments, their nature and the processes occurring in them that are relevant to the educational processes;
― possesses extended and structured knowledge of the structure and functions of the education system, knows selected education systems of other countries;
― possesses structured knowledge of participants and implementer of educational, care, welfare, cultural, assistance and therapeutic institutions, taking into account the professional activity of teachers;
― possesses advanced, methodological knowledge of designing and conducting research in education ,in particular methods used in social sciences, knows ethical principles and standards related to the implementation of research;
― possesses detailed knowledge of conducting pedagogical activity relevant to a particular field of study;
― possesses detailed knowledge of the fundamental dilemmas of modern civilisation (including ethical dilemmas), embedded in the context of challenges and tasks for education;
― possesses in-depth knowledge of economic, legal and ethical determinants of various types of pedagogical activity, including the principles of intellectual property management;
― possesses knowledge of the principles of creating and developing various forms of individual entrepreneurship in education.

Learning outcomes in the area of skills. The graduate is able to use the acquired knowledge, formulate and solve complex and unusual problems and perform tasks in an innovative way in unpredictable conditions; use the acquired knowledge, formulate and solve problems and perform tasks relevant to professional activity; communicate on specialist subjects with diverse groups of recipients; manage the work of the team, cooperate with other people as part of team projects and take a leadership role; plan and implement independently his/her own lifelong learning and guide others in this area; critically evaluate the received knowledge and content; recognise the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems and consulting experts in the event of difficulties in solving the problem himself/herself, in particular he/she
― is able to use and integrate theoretical knowledge in the field of education and related disciplines in order to analyse the complex issues of educational, welfare, care, cultural, and therapeutic assistance problems as well as to diagnose and design practical activities;
― is able to observe, search and process information on social phenomena of diverse nature, using different sources and techniques, including advanced communication technologies and interpret them in terms of educational problems;
― is able to recognise the methodology of educational research, formulate research problems, select appropriate methods, techniques and construct research tools, develop, present and interpret obtained findings, draw conclusions and indicate directions for further research within the chosen sub-discipline of education;
― is able to suggest original solutions to complex pedagogical problems, and foresee the course of their solutions as well as to anticipate the effects of planned activities in specific areas of educational practice;
― is able to communicate efficiently by means of a variety of communication channels and techniques with experts in the field of education as well as with recipients outside the group of specialists, using modern technology;
― is able to communicate, present his/her ideas properly using arguments to support them in the context of selected theoretical perspectives, is able to conduct debates, analyse and synthesise subjects and attitudes;
― is able to communicate in a foreign language at the B2 + level of the European Framework of Reference for Languages, knows specialist terminology relevant to a particular field of study;
― is able to work in a team, knows how to set joint goals and take a leadership role;
― is able to stimulate creatively the work on his/her own development and the development of participants in educational processes, to support their independence in the acquisition of knowledge as well as to inspire them to engage in lifelong learning.

Learning outcomes in the area of social competences. The graduate is ready to fulfil social obligations, inspire and organise activities for the social environment; initiate activities in the public interest; think and act in an entrepreneurial way; perform responsible professional roles, taking into account the changing needs of society, including developing the achievements of the profession, maintaining the ethos of the profession, following and developing principles of professional ethic, and acting in favour of observing these principles; in particular he/she
― is aware of the level of his/her knowledge and skills, is ready for critical evaluation of knowledge and content received, understands the need for continuous personal and professional development;
― recognises the importance of education for the development of individual and correct relationships in the social environments, has a positive attitude to acquire knowledge relevant to a particular field of study and develop teacher's skills and tools as well as to seek expert knowledge in problem situations;
― understands the role of a pedagogue and is ready to develop the achievements of the profession and to maintain its ethos, is convinced of the necessity and importance of professional manner and of the need of following the professional ethic;
― is ready to act in an entrepreneurial manner;
― is responsible for his/her own preparation for work, the decisions made and actions carried out and their results, he/she feels responsible to the people for whose good he/she is trying to act, expresses this attitude within specialists and indirectly shapes the approach among others;
― is sensitive to social and educational issues, is ready to communicate and cooperate with others and to participate actively in groups and organisations conducting educational activities for the public interest, including people requiring attention, assistance and special care;
― is aware of the responsibility for the preservation of cultural heritage of the region, country, and Europe, understands and respects a variety of traditions that create it, is ready to participate in cultural life.

Course structure diagram:

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://rekrutacja.aps.edu.pl/