Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Institute of Social Prevention and Social Work
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Institute of Social Prevention and Social Work
- (in Polish) Co to jest spółdzielnia socjalna? 20-FF-CSS
- (in Polish) Praca socjalna z uchodźcami i imigrantami w środowisku lokalnym 20-FF-PUI
- (in Polish) Fenomen Polskiego Państwa Podziemnego w okupowanej Europie 1939-1945 20-FF-FPP
- (in Polish) Warsztaty gier edukacyjnych. Grywalizacja 20-FF-WGE
- (in Polish) Różne oblicza współczesnej rodziny 20-FF-ROW
- (in Polish) Stres i wypalenie zawodowe pracowników służb społecznych 20-FF-STW
- (in Polish) Public relations w służbach społecznych 20-FF-PRW
- (in Polish) Zapisy na specjalność: praca socjalna na rzecz rodziny (studia stacjonarne I stopnia) 3E-PS-PSR
- (in Polish) Zapisy na specjalność: praca socjalna w pomocy społecznej (studia stacjonarne I stopnia) 3E-PS-PSS
- (in Polish) Zawód fundraiser 00-FF-ZFU
- (in Polish) Wybrane instytucje prawa cywilnego oraz rodzinnego i opiekuńczego PS-2F-IPC
- (in Polish) Metodyka pracy socjalnej PS-2F-MES
- (in Polish) Metodyka oddziaływań profilaktycznych PS-2F-MOP
- (in Polish) Modele pracy socjalnej PS-2F-MPS
- (in Polish) Psychologia konfliktów PS-2F-PKO
- (in Polish) Podstawy psychologii kryzysu PS-2F-POK
- (in Polish) Prawne podstawy interwencji kryzysowej PS-2F-PPK
- (in Polish) Prawo w pracy pracownika socjalnego PS-2F-PPS
- (in Polish) Praca socjalna w wybranych krajach PS-2F-PWW
- (in Polish) Współczesne nurty pedagogiczne PS-2F-WNP
- (in Polish) Edukacja, wychowanie, praca socjalna - fakultet PS-2FF-EWP
- (in Polish) Kulturowe uwarunkowania pracy pedagogicznej - fakultet PS-2FF-KUP
- (in Polish) Praktyka zawodowa (80 godzin) PS-2P-PS1
- Administrative Law in Social Work 20-1F-PAD
- Administrative Law in Social Work 20-1F-PAD1
- Assertiveness Training PS-2F-TAS
- Assessment Skills Workshops 20-1S-WUD
- Assistant Student Training (1 month, 160 hours) 20-1P-PRA1
- Assistant Student Training (1 month,160 hours) PS-3P-PRA
- BA Seminar - 1 20-PS-LI1
- BA Seminar - 2 20-PS-LI2
- BA Seminar - 3 and Thesis Submission 20-PS-LI3
- Bases of Entrepreneurship 20-2F-PPI
- Bases of Entrepreneurship 20-3F-PPI
- Bases of Entrepreneurship 20-3F-PPI1
- Bases of Entrepreneurship 20-1F-PPI
- Contemporary Culture of Europe - Selected Issues 20-FF-WKE1
- Contemporary Culture of Europe - Selected Issues 20-FF-WKE
- Contemporary Social Issues PS-2F-WPB
- Convicts and their Problems During and After Serving a Prison Sentence 00-FF-SIP
- Criminals and Victims 20-FF-PIO3
- Criminals and Victims 20-FF-PIO1
- Criminals and Victims 00-FF-PIO
- Criminology with Elements of Victimology 10-2S-KEW
- Culture of Contemporary Europe - Selected Issues 10-FF-KEW1
- Culture of Contemporary Europe - Selected Issues 10-FF-KEW
- Dignity, Intimacy and Sexual Development in Social and Educational Work 00-FF-GIN
- Diploma Seminar - 1 20-PS-LIC1
- Diploma Seminar - 2 and Submission of Diploma Thesis 20-PS-LIC2
- Diploma Student Training (1 month, 160 hours) 20-1P-PSR3a
- Diploma Student Training (1 month, 160 hours) 20-1P-PSS3a
- Diploma Student Training (2 weeks, 40 hours) 20-1P-PSR3
- Diploma Student Training (2 weeks, 40 hours) 20-1P-PSS3
- Economic Globalization, Market, Entrepreneurship and Balanced Economy 00-FF-GRP
- Economic Issues 20-1F-WOG
- Economics 20-2F-EKN
- Educational Issues of Contemporary Europe 10-1F-EPE
- English in Academic Context. The Foundations 20-FF-EIA
- Family and Guardianship Law 20-1F-RIO
- Family and Guardianship Law 20-1F-RIO1
- Family and Institutional Care of Child 20-1S-RFO1
- Family and Institutional Care of Orphaned Child as a Part of the Social Welfare 20-1S-RFO
- Family Assistant 20-1S-ARO
- Family Communication Training 20-1S-TKR
- Family Communication Training 20-1S-TKR1
- Family Education 20-1S-WWR
- Family Education 20-1S-WWR1
- Family Risks and Problems 20-1S-ZPR
- Family Risks and Problems 20-1S-ZPR1
- Family – Dangerous Relations 00-FF-RNZ
- Forensic Psychological Expertise 20-3S-OPS
- Forensic Psychological Expertise 200N-3E5OPS
- Forensic Psychological Expertise 200S-3E5OPS
- Foundations of Criminal Law 10-2S-PPK
- Foundations of Criminal Law 10-2S-PPK1
- Foundations of Entrepreneurship 10-2F-PPI1
- Foundations of Family Law 10-2S-PPR
- Foundations of Labour Law PS-2F-PPR
- Great Social Challenges of the Medieval Man 20-FF-WPS
- Handicapped Person in the Family 20-1S-ONR
- Handicapped Person in the Family 20-1S-ONR1
- History of Social Work 20-1F-HPS
- Human Resources Management – Selected Issues 20-FF-ZZL
- Human Rights 20-1F-PCL1
- Human Rights 20-3F-PCL
- Human Rights in Constitutional and International Aspect 10-4F-PCW
- Institutions and Family Support Programmes 20-1S-IPW
- Intellectual Property Rights 20-1F-OWI1
- Intimate Relationships 00-FF-BLZ
- Intimate Relationships 00-FF-BLZ1
- Intrafamilial Communication 20-1S-KOW
- Introduction to Specialities 20-1F-WDS
- Issues of Contemporary Europe 10-1F-PEU
- Law and Gender 20-3M-PPL
- Law and Gender 20-FF-PAP
- Law and Gender 20-FF-PPL
- Law and Gender 20-3M-PPL1
- Law and Gender 20-FF-PAP2
- Law and the Social Welfare 20-1F-PWP
- Legal Aspects of Pedagogical Assistance 10-4S-PAP